View Full Version : Why Am I....

16-03-09, 00:17
hearing things? Does this often happen with anxiety? I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at 14 (29 now) and over the last year or so the anxiety part has been getting worse. Now, when it's very quiet on a morning or evening, if I think about something that would frighten me I hear it! I don't imagine it, I hear it. (Well, I know it's my imagination, but it's like I can audibly hear it, not like the way I would hear a song that was stuck in my head or something).

I'm also really scared that people in my flats are trying to get at me. Again, I can say to myself logically that they're not, but in my heart it's what I feel. So any small noise (and they're quite noisy) makes me wince and I don't even take my bin bags out or put the light on when I go to the loo in case they see me.

Does that make any sense to anyone? Are these common symptoms of anxiety?

16-03-09, 00:42
Hi Lenore
im sorry to hear about all your symptoms
and really feel for you that your so scared and yes anxiety can make you that way and play tricks with brain.
I take it you see doc reguarly and hope you can speak to him about all of this as it seems your stuck in a way of thinking and that needs to be addressed and get you out of this cycle.
There is a lot great tips on here about relaxing changing ones way thinking and even ask doc about anxiety classes ect as they really helped me
you dont need to be alone with all of this and feel free to pm me any time
as i can help with what i did to overcome it
take care
finn x

16-03-09, 00:53
Thanks Finny :) It really does help to hear that others have come through this. I see my GP monthly for my medication (Fluoxtine, just about to change to Citalopram) and see a therapist 3 times a week. My therapist is amazing, but meds and symptoms are not her area, we talk more about how I react to things and the way I've learnt to cope with life (i.e I need constant worry to feel "normal"!). My GP isn't great though, to be honest. I have to ask for what meds etc I want and self-diagnose a lot of the time, even if it's just a throat infection!

I will definately ask about anxiety classes-I went on an anxiety at work course recently and I was suprised by how much it helped.

Thanks again for your reply x

16-03-09, 01:03
no probs lenore
anxiety classes were at local hospital once a week for 8 weeks
and i didnt realise how my thoughts and anxiety were interlinked and how
i was acually fuelling my fears i hadnt a clue
They helped me change them and started A feel good fire in my brain
that now when anxiety rears up its quickly burned away with me in control
please ask about them and along with your new medication lets get all them in your flats tip toeing about for fear upsetting you
keep us updated ok

16-03-09, 01:08
:D Thanks finny. The bit about the people tip toeing in my flat is still making me smile! I see my GP tomorrow, so I'll let you know how I get on