View Full Version : Fear pill!

31-07-05, 14:46
I remember watching a documentary a while ago about the army combat and stuff, but the main thing that blew my mind was the fact they had been trying out a trial drug to make solders more fearless! after the trial it was give up because what was the use of a solder who was fearless, it wasn't good because he/she would have put him self in danger and have no fear of it, and prtentionaly be killed (not good) so they abandoned it, but what i would like to know is what is this drug and maybe it could be modified to help people like us, ive looked all over the www with no luck, all i know is it was caller the 'Fear pill' Anyone watch this program or heard of a socall drug? if its anything to do with the army its probably top secret.

Take Care Dee.

01-08-05, 07:22
sounds like a pretty cool concept to me[^]:D[8D].

think that I will have a look for this my self.


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

01-08-05, 09:35
Would be an excellent drug to help the suffers on this site. Mind you some level of fear is completely normal and healthy. What is worrying is the other extreme of not fearing anything and then to the opposite extreeme if you have no fear at all then entering unwhittingly into dangers. Just a thought eh probably talking complete **** again lol

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

01-08-05, 14:55
I'm sure the developers of the drug have not overlooked its potential in modified form - just think how many they would sell lol

But as Sarah-Jane says, we all need some fear, but I'm of the view that its our mind we have to get right through a modified way of thinking.


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

01-08-05, 16:35
If it was tested out or the army I would leave well alone myself.
They do alot of testing. If it didn't work for them well.....I don't think it would work outside. They may have found many side effects

with good wishes


01-08-05, 18:13
Good point ray! i guess this is where relaxation and cbt come into play.easy option to pop a pill and think everything is better.

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

02-08-05, 18:35
I agree we all need some fear to survive, but when anxiety gets out of control and fearing things that most people would just be a little worried about i could really do with something like this pill. well i'll keep looking dudes...

Take Care Dee.

02-08-05, 23:47
Hi Dee

Never saw the programme or heard about it. A bit dubious that it could totally numb our feelings with regards to everything.

Would like to hear more about it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

03-08-05, 17:48
Don't think I would dare take it anyway lol.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"