View Full Version : Nausea??? Need some advice

16-03-09, 02:30
Anyone else hate the Nausea that comes from Anxiety? I NEVER throw up, but have Nausea on a regular basis. Been checked at the doctor etc. Nothing. Any helpful suggestons/home remidies/meds/over the counter things that can help? Please give me some advice. Thank you all!!:D

17-03-09, 15:02
Nausea is one of the worst symptoms for me too - as I'm Emetophobic it means I just get into a vicious circle - nausea, fear of vomiting, anxiety increases, nausea increases etc, etc. I sometimes find that sucking a hard sweet, like a barley-sugar or a Werther's Original (butterscotch) helps me. But there are times when it's so bad I can't even face a drink of water. If it's really bad there's a med called Stemetil (Prochlorperazine) which can help and I think a couple of others. Have a word with your doctor. Stemetil isn't a good drug to take regularly - it's often prescribed for dizziness/vertigo, but I don't like to be without a small supply as just knowing it's there if I need the odd one - dizziness is another of my 'trigger' symptoms - sort of calms me down a bit. It also has a tranquillising effect. I'll be thinking of you and hope you soon start to feel better. Helen

17-03-09, 15:06
Some advice on this in "Main Menu" then "Symptoms"
You have to scroll down a bit - but it is well worth it.
Best wishes

19-03-09, 19:11
Thanks everyone. It's the WORST symptom. I can be having a great day, no anxiety and then BOOM it hits me. It drives crazy. I had to leave work today because of it. Grrrr. The more advice I get, the better I am because I suffer from really bad HA (Health Anxiety) so I think every time I get nausea I have cancer or something. It's a terrible cycle.

19-03-09, 19:47
my doc gave me some excellent tablets for nausea, you don't have to take them everyday just when you need them. They work super fast too. They are called STEMETIL.
Might be a help to you

take care

PS: Ah, I just noticed BNCfan mentioned it as well.

24-03-09, 15:24
i also get feel sick all the time i hate it as much as you im so sorry you suffer with this i know what a pain in the bum it can be!