View Full Version : Hello everyone. Trying to figure what's wrong with me

16-03-09, 06:38
Well this is new for me. I've felt like I was going to have a heart attack or die the last several hours. I'm hoping to get some advice on whether it sounds like I am indeed having a panic or anxiety attack.

My symptoms are a pounding heartbeat, but not rapid. Feel like my chest is full of adrenaline? If that makes sense? Can't sleep (it's 1:30 am here, felt like this since 10:00 pm) I don't have chest pain, nor any pain radiating to arm or jaw, indicated heart attack. I drank seven beers the night before, I'm wondering if the alcohol is having anything to do with it? Because I had a similar experience a couple weeks earlier, only to a much much smaller extent.

I do suffer from bouts of depression and have for years, but it never manifested itself in anything of this sort.

Am I going crazy? Please advise!!!

Veronica H
16-03-09, 07:16
:welcome:Marcus. It is likely to be panic anxiety given your history with depression. I would recommend that you see your Dr first though to run through the routine tests to rule out any other cause. If this is panic anxiety then the alcohol will certainly make it worse. Glad that you have found us. You will find comfort and support here.


16-03-09, 09:45
:welcome: to the site Marcus, a lot of good advice and support on here , take care xx

16-03-09, 10:17
Hey, marcus, and Welcome
Sounds like classic simptoms of a panick attack to me. I had similar symptoms. And, yes, PA-s can be triggered by alcohool intake, as previously mentioned. You may check if you want, just to make sure there is no underlying cause (I really doubt it is a heart condition). :) I know how you feel now: helpless and victimized by what happened to you. Take your time and read some posts: you will find that this happens all to often, that it`s harmless if not taken too seriously, and that there are many ways to cope with anxiety.
You are not going to lose your mind! Anxiety is not madness. It`s fear of going nutts that makes some of us anxious. :)
Smile, you are not alone.

16-03-09, 11:27
Thank you all for your responses! I finally was able to lay down and get a couple hours sleep last night, and feel cautiously better this morning. Can a person have a panic attack without specifically being scared? I've read where some people have dread of things coming up, or situations, and that sets them off. I didn't have that it just seemingly came from nowhere!

I am looking forward to digging in to this site, there seems to be a lot of good information and people here. Thanks again! :)


16-03-09, 11:33
Hi Marcus.

Very common symptoms you described you were having last night. I had the same the other night myself and it is scary. One thing it could also be other than anxiety is dehydration. I had this once. I hadnt drunk much water all day then had a couple of glasses of wine before bed and woke up with racing heart exactly like you. My husband told me it was dehydration and I should drink some water. Needless to say it worked. I was dubious but sometimes your body is saying it needs something which is why you could have been anxious without having any reason in your head it was your bodies way of telling you it needed water.


16-03-09, 21:18
Hi Marcus.

Very common symptoms you described you were having last night. I had the same the other night myself and it is scary. One thing it could also be other than anxiety is dehydration. I had this once. I hadnt drunk much water all day then had a couple of glasses of wine before bed and woke up with racing heart exactly like you. My husband told me it was dehydration and I should drink some water. Needless to say it worked. I was dubious but sometimes your body is saying it needs something which is why you could have been anxious without having any reason in your head it was your bodies way of telling you it needed water.


That's good advice, and I haven't been getting enough water lately for sure. Thanks! - marcus

16-03-09, 21:44
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

16-03-09, 22:24
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

Thanks so much sunshine! Everyone seems very nice here, and there is some good information! I didn't know anything about this, I thought I was having a heart attack last night!

16-03-09, 23:21
Hey there, try to leave the drink for a while, try drinking water through
The day and herbal tea to calm u instead of tea,coffee.
Someone on here said bannans are really gwd 2.
Best of luck

17-03-09, 02:32
Hey there, try to leave the drink for a while, try drinking water through
The day and herbal tea to calm u instead of tea,coffee.
Someone on here said bannans are really gwd 2.
Best of luck

Yeah, I'm thinking it's time to retire from a long career of intoxication! :D

I got to feeling really bad again tonight and went to the hospital, they ran tests on me and it was not my heart, so I'm pretty happy about that!

17-03-09, 02:44
The drink just doesn,t suit some people.Took me a while to find i was one of them !