View Full Version : Encouragement needed please

16-03-09, 13:24
Hi Peeps.

I am going to Sainsburys shortly and have decided to take the plunge and try and walk there.
It's about 15-20 mins away from home and I have to cross a park where there is only one bench on the path that I need to use.
I have said i will take daughter with me as she isn't well and I though fresh air would help.
Last time I went there I had a fit of the wobblies on the damn bench!

Oh help someone..if I don't do this I am going to be sooo pi**ed at myself for not doing it..but I am getting myself into a bit of a lather.

Words of wisdom or a kick up the rear would be useful. Planning to leave in the next 20 mins.

Thanks XX

EDIT-Or planning to call a cab instead..

16-03-09, 13:27
Come on............you can do it!

when i was out and struggling in the playground i used to text a friend from here, and she kept me going, maybe you could do something similar.

di xx

16-03-09, 13:32
try stay calm remember to breathe dont rush even if you feel panicky chat away to your daughter even if its just rubbish and if you start thinking people are watching you their not their too busy doing their own thing. Good luck you can do this. as a recovered agoraphobic i how hard it is to over come but setting challeges for yourself and taking things step by steps the way to beat this. lets us now how you do.

16-03-09, 13:34
lady cmon you can do this and that bench aint gonna get in your way this time as look on it as nearly there when you reach it
and to be honest even thinking about going is a start,i posted earlier about my sis setting out from sheffield today to edinburgh with chronic agraphobia and im hoping she gets train and i meet here laters in edinburgh so if mag can do it so can you
take the plunge as we know you can do it
ps ...can you get me a few cans lager lol

16-03-09, 13:37
You three...:bighug1:

Right, I'm outta here. Will let you know how I got on or, if I'm not around later, someone send out a search party for me. :scared15:

and Finn...sorry mate, can't oblige! It's the credit crunch you know..:winks:

Laters :flowers:

16-03-09, 13:41
Woo hoo!

way to go xx

16-03-09, 14:35
Hope you made it there Lady,

But a well done for trying whatever the outcome.:)


16-03-09, 18:52
Hi ladybird, hope you got on well today! :)

16-03-09, 20:56
Well ?????

Go ladybird go go go. I hope that all was ok but hey if you had a wobble do NOT let it take away your strength of spirit that made have a go today xxx

16-03-09, 23:17
Well...Ladybird went, went, went but terrified herself in the process.:scared15:

Started to wobble near the park, entered park but was going to change route because of that awful pathway but then daughter says "you can do it mum, Im with you".
It brought a tear to my eye, if she believed I could do it then I had to, if you know what I mean.
It was awful, that damn pathway went on for ever..ever seen the film Labyrinth with that everlasting walkway that goes on and on seemingly without end? That's a fairly good description of it. And some rotten so and so had nicked my bench so I couldn't stop.
Jokes aside, I felt really bad guys but what surprised me was that when I got to Sainsburys I still felt very lightheaded and "off-key", normally I'm ok when I get into a reasonably "safe" place. I really thought I was going to pass out by the doughnuts (good place to drop, eh?:D ) but I'm not sure if this was down to a change in my blood pressure meds or the knock on effect of the anxiety.
So, I acheived my goal but I'm not happy. Today I realised just how much the agoraphobia has returned and I am so angry that I let it happen.
You know the strangest thing? I have read Doc Weekes and other advice from so called experts but when I was approaching the horizon of the park all I could think of was some of the advice I have read from the people here.
I find it hard to trust professional figures but I trust you lot.
You'll help me get back on track won't you? Have a feeling that you will.

Thanks :flowers:

tanya 1
16-03-09, 23:25
awww ladybird well done x x x
tanya x x x

16-03-09, 23:26
the point is you did it, and as much as you didn't enjoy it you did it............you didn't turn back.

that in itself is a huge achievement

and you really deserve a pat on the back for it
i for one am really proud of you............so a huge well done

di xx

17-03-09, 00:34
awww you still did it well done and you didnt turn round and rush back home and thats the important bit it will get easier i promise.
well done

17-03-09, 07:47
Oh Ladybird - you did far better than you give yourself credit for honey. You out faced the fears. You did not let them overtake you. The fact you are not happy suggests your fighting spirit is determined to kick this into touch and you are not quitting ?

Can't believe the bench got nicked. And I go weak knee'd at the doughnuts too !! But joking aside you went you came home in 1 piece and you did utterly brill. Where are we off to next honey ?!?!!! X

17-03-09, 08:45
Hi Ladybird,
You have done youself proud!I wish i had your determination,i have yet to conquer my front doorstep!!Well done!!!:yahoo:

eternally optimistic
17-03-09, 08:56

Remember to focus on the positive, like you said "I did it".

Good on you and keep battling. Your daughter sounds like she was a real comfort and she will gain strength from yours.

Dont be down Ladybird, you did it... hoooray.

eternally optimistic
17-03-09, 08:57

Remember to focus on the positive, like you said "I did it".

Good on you and keep battling. Your daughter sounds like she was a real comfort and she will gain strength from yours.

Dont be down Ladybird, you did it... hoooray.

17-03-09, 09:44
:yahoo: well done you!!!!! like jay ann says you have have have to focus on the positives of what youve acheived - forget about the fact the agoro has come back and forget about how you feel bad - i know those feelings all too well every time i do something too when it feels a struggle - but then i do relaxation and i remind myself that every single one of us who fights this stupid condition is not alone, we cant compare oursleves to everyone else! if they went through this they be exactly the same, remember 'there but for the grace of god go i' - you have your wonderful supportive daughter and you have your determination and your friends here - take a break today and feel happy and proud that you actually acheived what you set out to - but that even when you dont feel strong enough and you turn back, the will is always there - so long as you want to recover you WILL!!!!!!!:hugs:

17-03-09, 10:57
What would I do without you lot? :hugs:

Felt a bit overwhelmed this morning but that was really down to stuff going on at home..I feel very tired.
Now I was going to take a break but I will take myself into the garden and if I get the urge, maybe a bit further.

Huggles y'all :bighug1: