View Full Version : new job, super stressed

16-03-09, 14:19
Really stressed , just found a job finally after graduating last year, its part time and its in a very small office and I had my first day. I am entering invoices/sales and things like this onto system but I am getting stressed that I cannot do it, theres so much to remember and the guy who helped me out today won't be in ever again so it will just be me and the boss and the boss seems like a nice guy but is busy all the time.

I'm on propronolol and citalopram, I started lowering doses for these but even at 120mg propanolol a day I can't relax, I really dunno what to do, I mean I need this job but its stressful, and I think I am doing a lot of mistakes which will cause a lot of hassle to the business..

What should I do, I'm thinking of just packing it in


16-03-09, 14:32
hi there
well done on getting a job and going firstly
You wont get everything right immediately and mistakes are bound to happen
were only human even your boss will be prone to them buy if hes a good boss he will know it will take time to learn it all.
You have got this far and im sure as the weeks go in you will relax a bit
more and get into swing of it and to be honest look on the stress as normal as it is stressful in a busy office and work with it ,deep breaths calming techniques and i bet once your into swing of it you will think less internally of your anxiety and more on the job in hand which will help you even more
your a winner making it this far take it a day at a time
and keep us posted how you get on xx

16-03-09, 23:43
I would say give the job a try. You may find you pick it up later on I have experienced that kind of anxiety and left jobs and regretted not asking for help.

If the job is not for you try and find something else. On the note on stress I went part time in my job due to it being stressful and it helped alot so there are ways round things.

17-03-09, 01:31
its late now and I am starting to panic. I know its stupid but I can't stop this feeling, myanxiety is never this bad. I really want this feeling to stop please help me I'm desperate

17-03-09, 01:40
Starting a job is stressful even without panic or anxiety. You may want to mention it to your boss that your going through a stressful time at the moment and see what he says. Most people are understanding and again 1 in 4 suffer from some form of emotional illness.

Do ask for more support from the boss and you may find out that you will get that support but try not to just leave

Really hope all goes well for you

hugs xx

17-03-09, 03:55
I'm sorry but I think I am too weak. Its nearly 4am here now, I think the only thing I can do is phone in at 9am and say I can't work there anymore.

I feel a lot of pressure on me, its not like working in retail or something like this, I have done retail fine with no pressure. its working in a small office environment and given responnsibility and not being able to speak to anyone, I can't do it and I'd probably have a panic attack.

Its taken me 3 months to find this job though, I really need it, but if it means my health is put at risk and I am stressing so much then I don't think its worth it.

Is it so bad to leave? I mean it reinforces my fear and anxiety but this is too much for me to cope with right now...

19-03-09, 01:32
updat, i quit my job after one day LOL...

Im really pathetic

21-03-09, 16:44
Hi there melancholia555, I am having similar work issues to you. I know exactly how you feel, and I have almost the same background. I found retail quite good but I had to leave that job, and now I'm working in an office, with too much responsibility (to colleagues and outsiders) and I don't feel able to ask for help. It's not easy, is it? :)