View Full Version : mind chater

16-03-09, 16:10
hi everyone can anyone tell me if they get disturbed sleep with this mind chater its like one half of me is asleep and the other half of me is like talking to diferent people im very aware of whats happening its driving me up the wall but i cant stop it

24-03-09, 10:33
Hi Melvin...

I had this too for a period, and it felt a little bit like going insane. For me I believe it was due to lack of sleep and too much going on. A kind of negative spiral - the more I chatered the more i could not sleep and so forth...

The chatering was like hearing my brain do self-talk at an extreme turbo-speed, and it was not very rational things it thought about - one thought was not finished before the next had begun. REALLY annoying.

I focused my efforts on good sleep, and I havent had it since.

All the best, Jens

24-03-09, 11:57
If you're very tired or stressed out and pushed yourself too hard, you can get like this. I remember my mum telling me how she used to wake up at night trying to remember stock lists and balance cheque books in her dreams after she started a stressful new job.

24-03-09, 14:06
:) hiya, yeah just had a 6 week spell of this - like others have said its normal when you have alot on your mind and also it sort of snowballs - to stop it i took sleeping tabs for 4 nights, one every other night for 8 nights - seems to have done the trick to get me back to sleeping properly:yesyes: