View Full Version : Need medication prescribed, can't leave house

16-03-09, 16:10
Hi, I already posted this in 'General Anxiety', but I thought maybe I should post it here too if that's ok?

I've had various anxieties/phobias for years, mainly ocd, social anxiety, and body dismorphic, and I've been on an SSRI since I was 14(23 now). We moved to a new city in December, and I now have to get my medication re-prescribed, and I REALLY don't want to leave the house at the moment. I haven't left the house in about 3 weeks, and keeping appointments in partictular scares me, and I have an appointment tomorrow morning with the GP. All I want is to be able to have a phone appointment, to be re-prescribed a medication I have been on for nearly a decade, but they're not willing to give me that. I just phoned the community mental health trust, who put me through to the 'crisis team', and they had no advice for me. They said if my GP says I have to physically go in and be seen, then I'll just have to do it. Great way to talk to someone going through a crisis! I asked them what they normally do for people who need medication but can't leave the house, and she said she had no idea. Isn't that their job?? Is there anyone here in the UK that can help? Is there any way of getting a phone consultation? I could get the last doctor I saw(maybe 5 months ago) to forward my records, which would clearly document how long I've been on this medicine. Thank you in advance :smile:

21-03-09, 15:37
Awww you should not have to put up with this. I would call your gps surgery, explain the situation and ask for a phone consultation. You have the right to one...failing that call your doctor out for a home visit saying you are feeling really unwell and cannot get into the sugery. I would call the mental health team again and actually complain and be firm and tell them you feel they are not being understanding nor supportive enough and then ask to be put through to their team manager to voice your concerns.
I have a lot of dealings with the mental health team for my elderly mum and have also had dealings with myself last year. I have found some of the CPN's to be very good and some to be absolutely useless. Be firm and insist that the gp calls to you. Your medical records will automatically be forwarded to your new gp from your previous one, with all your medical history.
I hope this gets sorted for you.

24-03-09, 15:01
I went through a similar situation when I moved house, I ended up at a surgery where they didn't deem those with mental health problems as needing home visits - I changed doctors. I'm now with a surgery who allow telephone consultations with doctors and at a real push will even do home visits.

If there are any other local doctors I strongly recommend that you try switching practices, you need a gp that will support you, not make things worse. :hugs: