View Full Version : Am I suffering from Anxiety?

16-03-09, 16:42
Hi I am new here so bear with me if I get it wrong.
I have suffered from depression for years. I think maybe I have always been like it but didnt recognise it or put a name to it. I suffered badly after having my children but again didnt really acknowledge it because of circumstances and I finally fell apart after my divorce. Over the last 15 years + I have had several bad period of depression and have taken medication and had councelling and have come through. My story is a long one - like most of us I suspect - so this is the brief version. I have been on anti-depressants for the current spell since September 08 but over the last month or so I began to feel different. I developed a twitch under one eye and on several occasions had what I presume was an anxiety attack (do such things exist?) I was in the car and my heart started to race and pound, my stomach was turning over (butterflies) and I was sweating then cold. I physically shook from head to toe and had trouble controlling the car. All I could think of doing was deep breathing and talking to myself about any old rubbish and eventually it passed off. Since then I just feel anxious all the time. It is like the feeling you get when you are facing a test, interview, exam that kind of thing but it is all the time. Anyway 3 weeks ago my boss, who is a bully, decided to have a go at me (undeserved) and I just went to pieces and was off work for 2 weeks. I went to my GP who changed my tablets (fluoxetine) for Mirtazapine (15mg). I had to go back after 2 weeks (Thursday) and my dose has now been increased to 30mg. I dont feel any different yet but I expect it takes time in the same way as I know you have to wait a while when you start antidepressants. I have some questions though. Am I depressed or am I anxious or is it both? and why hasnt anxiety been an issue for me in the past? Will these tablets start to work soon? I read that they cause weight gain and today I cant do my belt up. Would this happen so soon? I cant afford to put on weight as I have self esteem/image issues and this just makes me feel worse. I am so groggy in the mornings and feel sleepy all day, I cant work properly like this and I dont want to get into trouble but I can hardly move let alone concentrate.
I would appreciate advice and help if you have any.

16-03-09, 20:46

I can only comment on a couple of things. Having not had depression or been on medication I can offer no advice there I'm afraid but I'm sure someone else will.

What you describe definitely sounds to me like a panic attack brought about by building anxiety over a period of time. Anxiety heightens in everyone for different reasons. No doubt the unhappiness you have been experiencing has fuelled this.

I am so sorry to hear about your experience with your boss. You really should not have to put up with that and when you are having anxiety problems it is really the last thing you need. Please don't put up with that. Whatever measures you have to take don't allow some bully to make your life worse when you have enough already on your plate to be dealing with.

Depression and anxiety problems are closely linked so it is very possible to experience both whichever you one you have first. The question as to why it has occurred now is one that most people ask themselves. It is most likely that although it seems like it has come out of the blue it has been building for a long time. When you have alot of bad episodes in your life anxiety can be heightening in the background unnoticed.

I hope your GP can help you out, you get some relief at work and also that some other members can help with your others queries.

Take care
