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16-03-09, 17:07
I'm so happy to have found this site - I've been suffering with anxiety for most of my life, but never realised it. It was only when I experienced a massive panic attack a few years ago that it really started to affect my life to the extent that I was terrified in my own house and certainly too afraid to leave the house. People I had once happily chatted to, now filled me with dread. However, slowly, I am starting to conquer it bit by bit - but it's not easy. I suffer with a range of physical symptoms from nausea to palpitations to shaking, dizziness etc. It's a very hard thing to battle, because there isn't anything to physically see. Many people just don't seem to understand or sympathise, so it's really wonderful to find this site, where perhaps I can receive and also give, much needed support. :)

16-03-09, 20:14
hi, I too am new to this site today. I have been reading it for a while but only registered today. bambam when I read your post i felt like you were describing me, and realising that I am not alone with this situation really really helps me. I don't talk to my friends about it so this website is an absolute saviour for me. I had my first panic attack in september 2008 and ended up in hospital, I thought I was dying, that really was the worst day of my life. I don't know why they started but am dealing with it one day at a time..... :yesyes:

Veronica H
16-03-09, 20:59
:welcome: Bam Bam, my story is also very similar to yours. Glad you have found us. you will find comfort and support here.


16-03-09, 21:45
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

17-03-09, 09:08
Hi there and :welcome: to the site , a lot of good advice and support on here, the chatroom is also very good, take care xx

17-03-09, 21:31
Hello Bambam

I am quite new to the sight and since I found it has helped me alot. Still feeling anxious but better than I was.

Your symptoms are very much the same as mine. I understand what u mean about people not understanding as feel sometimes my boyf can't understand why I am feeling like I do. I have always been a real worrier for example pain in my leg immdeiately presume its a blood clot and suppose its caught up with me!!

I do feel though the best thing is to talk to people, I spend hours on here and am overwhelmed with how many people feel the same as for a time I just thought it was me.

Just like Debs my first panic attack came out of the blue and it was awful. felt very weird for an hour then all of a sudden pins/needles all over body. face went numb, hands clenched, difficulty breathing. it went after 20 minutes but it was very scary!! had 2 more attacks like this, but in mean time very anxious with symptoms such as pins/needles, numbness in legs/arms, palpitations, tight chest, difficulty swallowing and most recent dizziness and blurry eyes. Feel like have something different all time... docs r probably seek of my coming in!!

In the process of sorting cbt which think will help alot maybe u should ask your doc to refer u?

Take care xxx

18-03-09, 13:55
Thanks so much for the lovely warm welcomes! It's actually quite a relief when you know that there are others out there who are suffering the same symptoms and feelings - helps you to feel that you are no longer suffering alone. I have been to my Dr's on three occassions, but he refuses to prescribe me anything. As far as he is concerned, it's all in my head and I just need to get over it. My last visit was in January and, once again, I begged him to help me. He just sent me for blood tests for overactive Thyroid, which I don't have. It's hopeless. I can't change my GP because I live in London and GP's are hard to come by - you have to be assigned to one. So, I now rely on willpower, herbal remedies and I'm doing lots of exercise to help me reduce the stress. It's not easy. :)

18-03-09, 14:07
I also have only found the site today and registered. And its great to know im not alone. I have been suffering panic attacks since Dec 2008 and have not been back to work yet. This site is amazing so many nice and helpful people that can give you support. Its hard to get real support from family and friends unless like us they have expierienced panic attacks. What are you doing to try and help your pa's. :)

Vanilla Sky
18-03-09, 14:36
Welcome to the site , i found that Kalms takes the edge of the anxiety. You will find lots of support on here, you will get through it maybe see you in chat sometime Love Paige x

18-03-09, 14:47
Hi Mozzy and Paige! Thanks for the welcomes!

Yes, I have tried Kalms - they don't really have that much effect on me to be honest. The things I have tried have been Bachs Rescue Remedy, which I have found to be instantly helpful, drinking herbal teas and changing my diet. For my palpitations, which for me are skipped beats, I am doing lots of exercise including pilates which incorporates breathing techniques. For me, I have found a link to my palpitations and anxiety, caused by shallow breathing. I've done lots of research on this for my own particular symptoms, and am convinced that this is what is causing them. When I get anxious, I start to breathe quick shallow breaths from my chest area - this, along with the adrenaline, causes a build up of a number of chemicals, including lactic acid (which affects muscles, the heart is a muscle) which can then interfer with the electrical wiring which controls your heart-beat. What feels like a skipped beat is actually more than one beat. Anyway, I have found by practising breathing from my abdomen, instead of my chest, has helped immensly. The exercise has helped to lower my stress levels by using up adrenaline (and also by releasing lots of feel good chemicals which make me feel better, plus getting me fitter!) and the change in diet has helped to lower my sugar levels which seemed to be fueling the adrenaline. I don't know if all this would be of help to anyone else, but it's helping me a great deal, so I recommend it! :)

18-03-09, 16:15
thanks that does help. Im going to start doing a small amount of excercise as I get very out of breath and shallow breath and deep breath a lot. its nice to know that others are out there feeling exactly the same as I am. I dont feel so alone. thanks :D

18-03-09, 18:11
Yeah exercise does help as makes u feelgood about yourself.

Do u feel worse when your tired? I have to work really hard in my job and I am fine during the day at work as I am so bust but as soon as I start to try and 'relax' and start to get anxious and feel weak/numb then all the other symptoms start.

18-03-09, 20:50
When I'm tired, I do find that the palpitations increase - I've read that tiredness and not eating properly is another trigger for them. As for having panic attacks when I'm tired, no, not really. I tend to have them for lots of different reasons - sometimes because I'm in a crowded area and I feel like I can't breathe, can't get out etc. Sometimes something that is frightening will kick them off. In the past, I use to have them when I was just sitting down quietly - they would come out of nowhere. I don't seem to get them so often now in that particular situation. Perhaps, Tink, you don't get them at work because your mind is busy doing other things, and you are distracted. I find this is true for me. Sometimes, if I feel one coming on, I will quickly try and distract myself with something else - it's not easy, but they will go before they get the chance to really overwhelm me. :)

18-03-09, 21:49
Thats what scares me the most, I don't think I feel anxious then all of sudden feelings come from nowhere then u r in that vicous circle. I have also not been eating too healthy. Usually good but constantly craving for chocolate and sweet things and never been like that. I also use to be really active but not been bothered to do any exercise. Me and my dad went for a run on monday for 1st time in weeks and felt really good. Kept saying to myself if something was wrong then would not be able to run!

Feeling quite anxious tonight tho, had really busy tiring day and taken it out of me. Now keep thinking something is wrong..... back in the circle!