View Full Version : Learning to drive

16-03-09, 17:48
Hi all

I am agoraphobic and am tring to get better. I have managed to get out to local areas with my parents and support workers. A few weeks ago i even managed to get out to a tutorial for the OU which meant i had to drive 1 1/2hrs away and spend two hours in a room full of people i had never met before and engage in class disscusions. I absolutly loved it and only had a slight PA after climbing 3 flights of stairs with a heavy bag.

The problem i have now is i am always having to rely on other people to take me places because i live in a village where public transport is terrible. I learned to drive before and got to test standard but didnt go through with it. I have sort of devoloped a fear of driving now. I am worried i wont be able to drive safly, will miss judge junctions and not cope with it.

Has anyone else had this trouble and have they found ways to get trough it?

Thanks guys

16-03-09, 20:57
I did get back driving for a time after not being in the car for a year. Unfortunately for me though I got myself stuck and panicked then never drove again.

But I did manage it once so know I can do it again and plan to do so. When I had my success I did it in small runs- very small to begin with. I also started at night when it was quiet. The first week was the hardest but over time it started to become second nature again. When I started to get comfortable at night I then started the same runs during the says at quiet periods- usually around 10:30am. Once comfortable with that I tried busy times which was really hard but again after a time it became easier.

All the best with your own driving. I would also say from my own experience it is better not to set goals and rush towards them. Just take your time and increase things when you feel comfortable to do so.

All the best


16-03-09, 23:35
I had the same anxiety two years ago when I was 18.

I am now 20 and felt ready for lessons this year and am continuing to do so. I still have the odd fear but I managed to get over it and gave driving a bash so will see how it goes. I'm onto my 7th or 8th lesson now.

I have learned some worries at the time become lesser as time goes on. In the case of driving tackle the fear but in your own time adding pressure might make the worry worse but at the same time don't leave it too long. I got over it by realising by realising how irrational some fears can be.

18-03-09, 11:59

Thanks guys.

Well done phill for getting on and doing it. I should really take the leap and phone my old driving instructor. Im sure it will come back quickly. Its just so horrible having all the fears around it. Hope it goes well for you


18-03-09, 12:41
Hi Blackie

It sounds to me that you have made some great progress well done. I think you are doing really well and in time it will all come.

Carol x

18-03-09, 13:10
Hi all

I am agoraphobic and am tring to get better. I have managed to get out to local areas with my parents and support workers. A few weeks ago i even managed to get out to a tutorial for the OU which meant i had to drive 1 1/2hrs away and spend two hours in a room full of people i had never met before and engage in class disscusions. I absolutly loved it and only had a slight PA after climbing 3 flights of stairs with a heavy bag.

The problem i have now is i am always having to rely on other people to take me places because i live in a village where public transport is terrible. I learned to drive before and got to test standard but didnt go through with it. I have sort of devoloped a fear of driving now. I am worried i wont be able to drive safly, will miss judge junctions and not cope with it.

Has anyone else had this trouble and have they found ways to get trough it?

Thanks guys

Hi Blackie.

I turned 18 not long ago and I'm taking driving lessons soon. I have healthy anxiety and agoraphobia. I don't know how I'm going to cope with being able to take driving lessons, I just hope that I will be able to do so.

My anxiety has some what lessened over the months and I think it's time I took a steup up and try to get back into the normal world.

I think my fear when driving will be pretty similar to yours, I think I'll worry about hitting something or crashing... I just hope that isn't the case because I really want to begin driving!

Good luck. :)

- Tom.

26-03-09, 18:15
I used to be such a nervous passenger, was involved in a bad car crash that killed the driver of the other vehicle when I was young & thought I'd never be able to learn to drive. After quite a few lessons though I discovered me being control of the car made it so much easier to cope with. Admittedly, it was always the driving test that let me down, until I mentioned it to my gp who prescribed me with beta blockers for the test itself - I passed. I'm agoraphobic and when I have a car it is like my own movable safety zone, just knowing I can easily retreat to it has stopped many a panic attack from fully forming.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's difficult to judge just how difficult or easy it will be until you get behind the wheel and try it out. You say you've managed lessons in the past, so I think if you find a good instructor who you can explain your concerns to you might find it easier then you expect it to be. A patient & understanding driving instructor really can make the world of difference & having taken lessons before you'll know that they'll guide you along and teach you how to judge junctions and drive safely. Should you get to the point of taking your test, and I hope you do, remember it's not cheating to ask your doctor if they can help with the nerves.

Oh and well done on getting as far as you have, hope your OU course goes well!