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View Full Version : Anybody got any ideas?

01-08-05, 00:39

I really want to try and get back into eating solid foods because I'm worried the longer I go without them, the longer it will take to get a grip on this!

Has anybody got any good ideas for foods that are less likely to stick in the throat?


Helen x

01-08-05, 07:20
Try home made soup, or some yougur. or even these liquid foods you get out the health stores.Sorry im not much help..Can you not see what your gp might suggest?

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

01-08-05, 09:29
Excellent idea home made soups you can introduce some meats and small chunky vegetables will get some nutrients into your body to keep your strength up and also enable introduction of solids into your diet again. Even a proper meal cut into really small peices to enable you to feel more confident swallowing again. Dont rush into it just take your time and build your confidence eating properly again. Vitamin supliments in the mean time would be a good way to keep your body topped up with essentials for good health also a good idea would be reward system for things you eat well perhaps a new item of clothing or something you really want. Take care keep us posted as to how you get on xxxxxxxxxx

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

01-08-05, 10:40
Fruit smoothies are good as well as they're packed with vitamins :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

01-08-05, 13:13
how about rice or small pasta shells

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