View Full Version : Citalopram -> Escitalopram/Lexapro/Cipralex

16-03-09, 19:09
I'm just curious, i've been reading on here that Escitalopram/Lexapro/Cipralex are better than Citalopram, they act faster and have much less side effects.

Obviously if it is a better drug with fewer side effects, I want to switch. I have a drug plan and it should be covered.

Could I switch straight from Citalopram over to one of those, without waiting a couple days in between?

I'm on 20mg of Citalopram on my sixth day and the side effects have been horrendous.

16-03-09, 19:22
The side effects pass with time... a few weeks.So there may be no need to change? One is a liquid form of cital but know nothing of the others x

16-03-09, 21:32
The side effects pass with time... a few weeks.So there may be no need to change? One is a liquid form of cital but know nothing of the others x

True, but even if one of those works better then i'd love to switch. Unfortunately my pharmacist is on holidays this week. Will hafta wait till next Monday to ask him about them.

Edit: After some reading, Escitalopram/Lexapro/Cipralex are all the same drug, just different names. Lexapro would be the one I would look into here. It's apparently more potent and has less harsh side effects.

Edit2: Apparently it's Cipralex for me here not Lexapro, and it seems to be covered under my plan, if i continue to have nasty side effects i'll hafta look into this.

17-03-09, 19:26
I had Cipralex 20mg before I went on Citalopram, and it nearly put me off anti-d's forever!!

I took the first one on a Monday night, was out pretty much out of it until the Thursday morning, not able to sleep, but not able to get out of bed either, very strange experience. On the Thursday I took half of one, as I thought maybe 20mg was to much, and similar happened, though not as extreme.

On the Friday morning had to call an ambulance out as breathing was depressed and wildly panic attacking. GP told me not to take any more!! I waited a while as it put me off, but GP put me on Cit 7 weeks agao, just starting week 8, and they have been a life saver.

17-03-09, 21:42
I had Cipralex 20mg before I went on Citalopram, and it nearly put me off anti-d's forever!!

I took the first one on a Monday night, was out pretty much out of it until the Thursday morning, not able to sleep, but not able to get out of bed either, very strange experience. On the Thursday I took half of one, as I thought maybe 20mg was to much, and similar happened, though not as extreme.

On the Friday morning had to call an ambulance out as breathing was depressed and wildly panic attacking. GP told me not to take any more!! I waited a while as it put me off, but GP put me on Cit 7 weeks agao, just starting week 8, and they have been a life saver.

I'm probably going to stick with the Citalopram, i've been doing ok the last couple days. 20mg of Cipralex is quite a bit, its not the same dosing as Citalopram since it is more potent. 20mg is about the equivalent of 60mg of Citalopram.