View Full Version : tired

01-08-05, 00:53
this is the first time i have ever plucked up courage to write. my problem seems to be when i go to bed - i try to do the breathing excersise and panic when i dont have enough breath to do it. i called a paramedic a while ago and he said i had to relax but i just dont seem able to do it. i am so tired and cry a lot of the time which my kids (boys) find really annoying. i have no friends and feel very sad and alone.

01-08-05, 02:13

I'm sorry that you are feeling so alone. YES, you DO have friends...on this board there are a lot of neat, caring people. I've only joined a couple of weeks ago and at least when I'm down or have a question, I can come here and it can make all the difference in the world.

Panic is horrible! So you are a single Mom? Mind me asking how old you are? Have you tried breathing in a paper sack? It does work...I even heard a handkerchief. I certainly hope you get to feeling better soon.

Let me know...........


01-08-05, 02:14
Hi have you tried all the relaxation techniques before bedtime and relaxation cds etc,
Welcome to the forum, you will find lots of people with similar probs here, love Alexis,xxx

01-08-05, 02:16
one more thing...........the crying thing?? Sounds like you may be dealing with some depression? Have you been to see your Doctor?


01-08-05, 07:02
Hi you are not alone. I have had and still do get that .Ive not been able to sleep from friday im up with pain in my chest panic attacks and even night mares..So plz never think you are alone if you want i will give you my tele number and you can call me 24/7..If you need someone to talk to..

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

01-08-05, 07:16
Hi Gregsmum,

Sorry to hear that your having a bad time but I agree with NANAX10, you do have us as friends!:-).

I too panic where breathing is concerned. I've stopped smoking after nearly 8 years because I started to get panic attacks and I fear that if I smoke I won't catch my breath! Also I can't do the full count on the breathing exercises, maybe because I smoked [Duh!]lol, so Instead of the in for 7 out for 11 I do in for 4 out for 7, so much easier.

Alot of my problems come at bed time too, when I think I'm relaxing I'm actually laying there with clenched fists and jaw! I've tried listening to relaxation CD's don't work for me I'm afraid I do find that a nice warm bath helps :-). When it comes to trying to doze off I find that my mind is wondering also so I try to think about good things maybe something that I'm looking forward.

As for your boys finding your crying really annoying, don't worry about it, I don't think that there is a child in the world that doesn't find there parents annoying. My son is only 3 but tells me that I'm embarrassing! [^] especially when I'm singing alone to the radio:D. So don't really take to heart what they think if you know what I mean.

Again I agree with NANAX10 if you haven't been to see your gp then it might be worth your while, can't do any harm :-)

Hope you feel better soon.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

01-08-05, 10:36
Hello and welcome!! :)

Buy some good relaxation tapes as they will help you learn how to relax. It's normal to cry as it gets very frustrating, doesn't it?

Hope we can offer you some good support!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

01-08-05, 20:39

don t know if this is going to help you but i am the same, but i found playing my sons gameboy with a puzzle game in it lifted my mind of not being able to breath etc. and as a result relax!:D

01-08-05, 21:09
Hi welcome to the site.

When a wave of loneliness comes get yourself on here or in the chatroom as that will really help (loads of us will testify to that).

Chat again soon

Love Piglet

kate H
01-08-05, 21:14
Hi gregsmum,

Welcome aboard, i agree you have loads of friends on this site and are welcome to pm me anytime you like. The breathing is one of the hardest things to cope with. I have looked up breathing exercises and there are many that can help. Beleive it or not I find exercising helps because it helps you body breathe more consistabtly it also releases happy indorfeans (however you spell ot!) that make you feel better and your tired physically rather than mentally. Water aerobics has helped me loads. The docs suggested it.

Hope this helps and pls dont feel alone.


.......Is your past barging in on your future? Make a better 2morrow 2day.......

01-08-05, 21:27
Hi Gregs Mum

Just running up and down stairs or going for a walk round the block can help both with breathing and with getting those endporphins circulating.

Glad you posted - here are a few previous posts on breathing techniques

How Do You Do The Breathing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4042)
Breathing.. wow (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4037)
Breathing Techniques (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4044)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-08-05, 22:57
Hi Gregsmum,

Yeah I agree with Piglet, this site has helped me so much and there are a lot of lovely people on here.

Take care, you are not alone

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.