View Full Version : ANXIETY

16-03-09, 21:28

I thought this was worth posting as its from OUR OWN SITE and I think it just shows the fountain of information that is on here

Anxiety is nothing more than a feeling of apprehension and uncertainty. Believe it or not some anxiety is normal and healthy. Chronic, and continuous worry, however, is not. Everyone experiences some anxiety even on a daily basis but people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) experience constant anxiety which often has no apparent cause. GAD may be mild and manageable, but, for some people, it is debilitating. It can also cause and/or aggravate additional health problems, both physical and psychological.
People with GAD often worry about the same problems everyone worries about - money, health, families, jobs, etc. The problem is, people with GAD worry excessively and constantly. People without GAD have the ability to put normal worries on hold and focus on daily activity. People with GAD are often distracted by their worries and find it difficult to think about anything else.
Many people with GAD also feel constant anxiety with no apparent cause. They wake up feeling anxious and can never pinpoint a direct cause. The anxiety never seems to disappear throughout the day.
"Unfortunately, most people with GAD assume that they are just a 'nervous person' and that nothing can be done. They do not usually seek treatment unless their anxiety is complicated by depression, panic attacks or alcoholism. With appropriate treatment, however, GAD sufferers can feel less anxious and function better." -- Deborah Cowley, MD, in Psychopharmacology
The cause of GAD has yet to be determined, and there is probably more than one possible cause. GAD appears to run in families, so there is probably a genetic factor. A major traumatic or stressful event may sometimes trigger GAD. Another theory is that the person with GAD has internal conflicts which have yet to be resolved. GAD may begin in childhood or later in life. Most likely, GAD has both physiological and psychological components.
Generalized anxiety disorder is a relatively common anxiety problem, affecting 3-4% of the population, that turns daily life into a state of worry, anxiety, and fear. Excessive thinking and dwelling on the "what ifs" characterizes this anxiety disorder. As a result, the person feels there’s no way out of the vicious cycle of anxiety and worry, and then becomes depressed about life and the state of anxiety they find themselves in.
Generalized anxiety usually does not cause people to avoid situations, and there isn’t an element of a "panic attack" involved in the prognosis, either. It’s the thinking, thinking, thinking, dwelling, dwelling, ruminating, ruminating, and inability to shut the mind off that so incapacitates the person. At other times, thoughts seem almost non-existent because the anxious feelings are so dominant. Feelings of worry, dread, lack of energy, and a loss of interest in life are common. Many times there is no "trigger" or "cause" for these feelings and the person realizes these feelings are irrational. Nevertheless, the feelings are very real. At this point, there is no "energy" or "zest" in life and no desire to want to do much.
This emotional fear and worry can be quite strong. If a loved one is ten minutes late, the person with generalized anxiety fears the very worst -- something’s dreadfully wrong (after all, they’re ten minutes late!), there’s been an accident, the paramedics are taking the person to the hospital and his injuries are just too critical to resuscitate him....."Oh, my God!.....WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?" Feelings of fear and anxiety rush in from these thoughts, and the vicious cycle of anxiety and depression runs wild.
Some people with generalized anxiety have fluctuations in mood from hour to hour, whereas others have "good days" and "bad days". Others do better in the morning, and others find it easier at the end of the day. These anxiety feelings and moods feed on themselves, leading the person to continue in the pattern of worry and anxiety -- unless something powerful breaks it up.
Physical manifestations of generalized anxiety may include headaches, trembling, twitching, irritability, frustration, and inability to concentrate. Sleep disturbances may also occur. Elements of social phobia and/or panic may sometimes be present, such as high levels of self-consciousness in some situations, and fear of not being able to escape from enclosed spaces.
It is also common, but not universal, for people with generalized anxiety to experience other problems, such as a quickness to startle from it, a lack of ability to fully relax, and the propensity to be in a state of constant motion. It is difficult for some people with generalized anxiety to settle down enough to have a quiet, reflective time where they can calm down, relax, and feel some peace and tranquility. Strategies to peacefully calm down and relax are one part in overcoming this problem.
Normal life stresses aggravate generalized anxiety. The person who typically performs well at work and receives a sense of accomplishment from it, all of a sudden finds that work has become drudgery. If work is perceived as a negative environment, and the person no longer feels fulfilled, then considerable worry takes place over these situations. As a result, the anticipatory anxiety about going to work can become quite strong.

17-03-09, 12:11
Thankyou for posting that - very interesting! and helpful. Wenjoy x

17-03-09, 12:15
well worth the read and theres plenty more about on here
the tips section is brillaint and one i frequently delve into for
advice and help ,good post

17-03-09, 15:23
Yeah I do tend to forget that the infomation is there but I come back to it from time to time and find it helpful