View Full Version : Hi new and scared!

16-03-09, 21:45
Hello, I am new here and very frightened at the moment. Have a history of anxiety and have been bad for last 7 months. Thought I was doing really well then, out of the blue had a strange dizzy feeling which has got worse and worse over the last 2 weeks. I am having panic attacks, well I assume thats what they are, but worst thing is this feeling in my head like I am gonna pass out or just collapse and die or something. Its wierd and I don't know how to explain it, but it scares me to death and I am sure I have a brain tumour. Anyway, nice to be here, hi all.

Veronica H
17-03-09, 08:26
:welcome: to NMP. this is a friendly place with great advice. I know that the symptoms are powerful but they will not harm you. This will get better the more you understand it.


17-03-09, 08:53
Aww a huge welcome to nmp.

panic attacks can feel very scary, but can't do you any harm.
You'll get loads of help and support here.

best wishes

di xx

17-03-09, 09:13
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, you're in the right place as there is a lot of support and good advice on here, the chatroom is also very good, take care xx

17-03-09, 14:34
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Just nip down to the docs about your dizzyness because it sounds to me like an inner ear infection. I had one ages ago and the symptoms are very much like you describe. They'll give you something to sort it. It also effects your balance and makes you feel sort of drunk or spaced-out and detached.

It feels really weird and it's bound to make you panic until you get it confirmed. It's nothing serious but don't suffer like this when you can get it sorted really easily.

Good luck and let us know how you get on. :)

18-03-09, 00:04
Hi Jessieblue, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

18-03-09, 02:33
Hey, I'm new also, an similarly have believed I had a brain tumor, the best thing is to go to the doctor, but untill then, I'd suggest to just breathe yoga is my favorite anxiety buster!

Welcome, and I hope you're fears are relieved soon

18-03-09, 18:31
The dizziness is my newest symptom among many others. Mine seems to be alot worse when not eaten for a while or have been sat on the computer for ages. I also have alot of sinus problems too. Before anxiety started I would have been fine with dizziness as had many times before but now my mind starts racing. I am getting better at telling myself not to panic. But do go to the docs, it will make u feel better.... I know it does tome even if I do spend every week in there!!!

18-03-09, 22:38
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx
