View Full Version : any one had a feeling like this?

17-03-09, 11:18
i know this sound's dumb but.
today i have to go for a blood test.
now got to wait to find out. my mind is like telling me not do stuff or the test come back saying there something wrong
i am counting the hours

17-03-09, 12:16
i recently had to wait for blood test results and my mind did overtime majorly. I even put of ringing for a week because I was so scared. But they came back normal and I wish now I had out myself out of the misery sooner. But its all the not knowing, the what its etc.But please dont test yourself or say if I dont do this, they will come back this way or that way. Just the remember when the blood was taken, it was what it was, nothing will change that nowit will be ok

17-03-09, 12:42
hiya sammyj thank you for the reply
whats worry me as well along with the not knowing is that in december i had a blood test and when i phone they said i had to talk to the doctor my world just crash when she said that but it just turn out i was low on iron

when i get so work up like this i just wanna eat eat and eat witch dont help

17-03-09, 14:03
I am just the same, i'm sure most of us HA's are. I am waiting for 3pm today to come around so that i can get the result of a liver function test i had done, as my last one was so abnormallly high.......waiting sucks!


17-03-09, 14:21
yea i got to wait til 2pm wednesday
i got over the sick feeling i 1st had this morning now i just wanna ate:blush:

17-03-09, 19:08
I had bllod tests last week and the same thing happen to me, but i have OCD,do you?

17-03-09, 21:15
no i dont have ocd not what i know of any way
when ever i have to go to doctors or hospital its like my mind wont let do anything if try shop talk or so on
i just get myself so work up its unreal i keep looking at the clocks