View Full Version : Arggggggh...

17-03-09, 12:50
Hi All

I not here very often - seems its such a help as my anxiety goes up and down. I constantly worry abour health problems and if I have cancer. The latest one is ovarian/kindney cancer.

Nurse at out of hours appointment think i have a UTI last night and got antibiotics but I think that the symptoms are more likely to be cancerous as I have a sharp pain and it does not hurt when I pee! Also I have blood and white blood cells which can be cancer signs. Also the pain is really bad and I have already taken 2 pills and they not working which makes me think its not an infection.

Any advice?

17-03-09, 13:21
It is more likely a kidney or bladder infection hun. I know it seems logical it could be cancer.... because i also have a cancer phobia.... but Im sure you are probably getting it all out of perspective. If you only got a prescription for antibiotics last night then atleast wait to see if they clear the problem. Anxiety causes loads of problems. It caused me to have a UTI. I had no pain either when I went to the toilet.... just really concentrated urine and a discomfort that came and went intermittently. Take a deep breath and sit through your course of meds and see what happens. Dont fret. Talk to us as often as you need to. We are all here for you x

17-03-09, 14:16
Thanks a lot. Feel less anxious now but just waiting for meds to kick in but the more pain I have the worse it feels. Thanks so much for your lovely advice - its so reassuring to talk to people who feel the same. S xxxxx