View Full Version : Paranoid - Brain Cancer

17-03-09, 13:15
Hi all

I found a couple of enlarged lymph nodes back in September and made the mistake of googling what they could be - anyway to cut a long story short I was convinced I had lymphoma - paid for private blood tests and ultrasound on the area only to reveal they were blood vessels and not lymph nodes at all...anyway that period of not knowing and looking up cancer has left me and absolute hypochondriac. I have always been anxious and paranoid anyway but now I am a complete wreck!

At the end of Jan this year - I started having headaches from nowhere -the headaches were lasting up to 10 days at a time, then they went away for another two weeks and came back again for up to 10 days...to summarise I have seen 2 of my NHS doctors, 2 private doctors and an optician as I was concerned that it may be a brain tumour. Last Wednesday I started noticing a flickering of lights in the room and no one else does, it is like the light dims for a millisecond and has been disturbing me. I went to a private doctor last week as my GP said I was a hypochondriac and had GAD - I do not feel that they are taking me seriously. The private doctor looked at my optic nerve and said there was no evidence of ICP and I just need to ride it out. My nanna passed away suddenly two weeks before and she had just been diagnosed with cancer - could the stress of this cause these visual problems?

Sorry for the long post guys - I know what you are all going through - I hate the way we are just lumped of with anti depressants - I refuse to take them. I have looked at all the posts here regarding visual disturbances but they are more focused on lines, colours and flashing lights - not this bizarre flickering sensation that only occurs in the evening. Weird huh!


17-03-09, 13:55
Hi Becks

Sorry you are going through a tough time of it, but i don't think for one moment you have a brain tumour....my husband is on his 3rd!! Sounds to like its either a migraine (as they can go on and on) or anxiety that has been heightened by the loss of your grandmother.

You have had positive results from both NHS & private doctors so take comfort in that.

Thinking of you


17-03-09, 15:40
Thank you for your message of support Trish - that has made me feel a lot better. Sorry to hear about your husband :-(

Best wishes
Becks x

17-03-09, 17:11
hi rebecca, i feel the same way and have the same fears. i get weird headaches mainly on the right side that - like yours - last days and days, go away for a week or 2 then come back again. i also get weak on the right side of my body a lot, well it feels like it but the doctor did some basic neurological tests and said if he had any concerns he would send me to a specialist but he doesnt. ive had lots of blood tests but all my symptoms seem so weird, like i get face pains really bad, heavy head, nausea, pains in my eyes (mainly right) but i think the pain originates from my neck because i always find myself rubbing it and it hurts in my head when i turn my neck. can you relate to this? after all the tests and reassurance from several doctors ive just got to convince myself that its tension and stress based. im 18 and doing my A Levels and preparing to go to university so who knows maybe we are both very stressed - even if it doesnt necessarily feel like it all the time! hope you're ok x

17-03-09, 19:50
Hi Jadey - I understand how you are feeling - we can make ourselves really focus on our bodies and worry about every single symptom! A lot of those symptoms you describe can be caused by anxiety- easier said though as even though we know that they are still happening and making us even more anxious! Nightmare x