View Full Version : feels like i cant breath?

17-03-09, 16:43
I had recently in the last year developed generalized anxiety dissorder, but havnt really had problems with it for over a month. The doctors gave me zoloft but I chose not to take it. But lately my chest feels tight and like its not expanding enough when i breath: like i cant get enough air. I also always feel tired and sad off and on, have chest pain and discomfort, as well as back and shoulder pains, and odd sensations in my fingertips and lower legs. And lately have frequently been getting dizzy and nauseated.

Please help this is driving me crazy!
Any idea what this could be?
Im 19 and have smoked for around 3 years if that helps.

17-03-09, 17:26
Hi bibbles

The not being able to breathe feeling frightened me the most and yes this is down to anxiety.

I always felt like I couldnt take a full breath and was really concerned that only 1 of my lungs was working. I went to the docs about this the other day and she said straight off its anxiety and upped my meds. I find the not being able to breathe part is when I'm at my most anxious. I have been fine once increased meds and she got me to blow into one of those tubes (dont know what they call them) to check my lung capacity. For my age and height my recording should have been 420, it came out at 540. This made me feel loads better being over the 'recommended figure' so i was sure there was no lung problems.

For me the not being able to breathe is the worst symptom by far.


18-03-09, 19:54
I had recently in the last year developed generalized anxiety dissorder, but havnt really had problems with it for over a month. The doctors gave me zoloft but I chose not to take it. But lately my chest feels tight and like its not expanding enough when i breath: like i cant get enough air. I also always feel tired and sad off and on, have chest pain and discomfort, as well as back and shoulder pains, and odd sensations in my fingertips and lower legs. And lately have frequently been getting dizzy and nauseated.

Please help this is driving me crazy!
Any idea what this could be?
Im 19 and have smoked for around 3 years if that helps.

Hi I have Fibromyalgia and the symptoms you say sound the same. It isn't life threatening but it can cause lots of unusual symptoms. The one in your chest sounds like costochondritis which is common among fibro sufferers and causes pain in the chest when breathing and tightness around the ribcage. I would mention this to your GP and push to see a rheumatologist as GP seem to think this condition is all in the head. It causes tingling almost anywhere in your body aswell as wierd sensations.

19-03-09, 14:57
Oh this is me!! I've got such a tight chest and I just feel like I'm not breathing properly. I'm so glad it's not just me! My chest hurts by the end of the day and it's getting me down. I'm sure it is just anxiety related because when I'm at home and relaxed I feel better. x