View Full Version : I'm a newbie...

17-03-09, 18:23
My name is Lyndsey, but my beloved calls me MoodyBlue because I'm prone to the odd mood or two, hence the username :) I'm 31 and live in Liverpool and Leeds (yes, I live in two cities at the moment).

I've suffered with anxiety for the past 8 years or so, but my current 'episode' is probably the worst! Each day I seem to have a new symptom and it is driving me mad, literally!

I was completely fine until I had a funny turn in the office 12 days ago that came out of nowhere - I had a funny feeling in my chest area (more than likely due to the fact that I did my first weight training class in over a year and nearly every muscle in my body was aching!) and I felt a bit strange, but then I started to panic and my left arm went numb, convincing me that something was wrong with my heart! (I had also recalled someone telling me that training whilst you are poorly can cause heart problems, and I had a very mild head cold coming on the day I went the gym). I was over this little episode in 15 mins and back to normal, but it played on my mind for the next day or two, but by the weekend I was fine.

I went back the gym the following week and did a high-impact aerobic class, and afterwards I was bright red. Again, this led me to believe there was something wrong with my heart and I just about avoided another funny turn (I won't call them panic attacks, but I presume they are!) by staying calm and having a shower to cool down and I was fine. But ever since then, my mind has gone into overdrive and I'm convinced there is something wrong with me.

I now have this ache in the left side of my body, mainly at the side of my breast and sometimes it feels like it is in my back/shoulder blade (possibly caused by the punching I was doing in my high-impact aerobic class?). It seems to get worse when I am lay or sat in certain positions, and certainly at my desk at work.

I went to see the doctor, and she checked my blood pressure (the botttom reading was a tiny bit higher than they like, but said they wouldn't act on it), my heart beat etc and she said all was fine. She said I could go for an ECG if it would put my mind at rest, which threw me a little, I really wasn't expecting it. I asked her if she would recommend that I did, and she said no, it would just be for my piece of mind - now I don't know what to do???

I just can't get the aches and pains to go away, they go for a while when I'm completely relaxed (in the bath, just before I fall asleep etc) but then they just reappear when I wake up...but then I am thinking about them from the minute I open my eyes! I've also started to experience periods of lightheadedness (is that a word?) for 1-4 hours, not good! Today I was sat at my desk and all of a sudden felt like I couldn't catch my breath and started to panic. I tried to think calmy and within a few minutes I was fine!

I feel like I'm an intelligent person and deep down I know that these symptoms are caused by anxiety, and on that belief I don't want to give into it and have an ECG. Even if I do have one and it's clear (hopefully it will be clear), I will no doubt experience other symptoms that lead me to believe something else is wrong with me. I'm going to see the doctor (again) on Friday to see about CBT and I'm currently trying to find a Reiki healer. I don't want this getting the better of me, but it's scary too always thinking there is something wrong with you!

I really dislike being an Anxious Annie, it's not a nice way to be for me and my loved ones :weep:

I know there are people on here who suffer much more than me, but it's comforting to know that people are experiencing the same symptoms as me...and still here!!!! x