View Full Version : butterflies

17-03-09, 20:26
Hi does anyone get the butterflies so bad that your stomach hurts. I get them so bad its one of my worse symptoms along with feeling unreal etc its so horrible my stomach has always got a knot in it.:scared15:

17-03-09, 20:47
I used to have this all the time . I find relaxation techniques helpful along with deep breathing techniques. A nice long soak in a warm bath with some essential oils...........All these relieve the tension and anxiety.Massage is good as well even a foot massage,:whistles: if you have someone to do it. luv sue

Vanilla Sky
17-03-09, 20:49
Yes, I know what you mean, the best thing to do is sit down for 5mins when you feel it tense and do deep breathing for a while, let all your muscles relax, it helps if you flop like a rag doll and just LET GO, let the tension release. If you do this regularly you will become more aware of the habit you,ve got into, you poor tummy is being gripped like a vice and is letting you know it aint happy ! So just let it go, the more you do it the easier it will become and you will get rid of that knot ! x

17-03-09, 21:17
One of the top goalkeepers in England, used to play for England, said in his autobiography that he got butterflies in the stomach before EVERY match and he played hundreds of matches. Could not stop it happening twenty minutes before each game. he had to go and sit quiet and relax before he could step out onto the pitch