View Full Version : panic attacks

17-03-09, 21:24
hey everybody,been recommended this site by my sister, i have been having severe panic attacks now for 30yrs and just cannot shift them.i have been reading most peoples different symptoms on here and cant believe i have most of them.i wud do anything to be able to be normal and to go out and get a job, but i cant do anything unless my hubby is with me which means he cant work either, i feel like such a saddo,i am so desperate for help.

17-03-09, 21:26

Welcome to the site I think you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


17-03-09, 21:29
Hi Hampton Girl,
I just joined here before you. It can be tough at times I know and I guess you are also finding it tough at the moment else you wouldnt have joined. I just wanted to say hi as we both are newbies. Onwards and upwards :)

so hi ya :)

17-03-09, 21:52
I have health anxiety and currently having panic attack because I have a bad headache. Been having them for 8 years I just wish they would stop. I have a bad pain just above my left eyebrow. I don't know what it is I am frightened of. Had headaches before but I am woried that it is going to get worse.

17-03-09, 21:54
hey yoyo,hi thanks for message,it just unbelievable how many of us out there,yet for years you go through suffering on your own,thinking that yor the only one who gets these weird feelings in your body, anyway nice to spk wiv you,keep in touch.

18-03-09, 16:04
Hi - first of all - do not beat yourself up about this. I have had panic attacks for 27 years and although they eased a bit when I had my 2 children - now I am menopausal they are back again - I just try to drop my shoulders, breathe calmly and forget other people around you and just imagne you are going to sleep. It doesnt always work and I still panic a lot in supermarkets, queues etc but I drink herbal tea, take 5htp at night and kalms at daytime if needed Good luck - we are all here for you xx Wenjoy xx

18-03-09, 16:57
hi everybody, i have been reading loads of peoples messages on here, and as i have had panic attacks for so long i dont bother with doctor anymore, i hav been on seroxat now for well over ten years, but i think as far as me seeing any form of counsellor anymore my doctor has given up on me, but reading messages on here alot of you guys mention the letters CBT,please can somebody explain what this is and what these letters stand for, i would be most grateful,thanking you in advance.

18-03-09, 18:19
Hello Hamptom girl

I am currently about to start CBT. It stands for cognitive behaviour therapy. Not been yet so can't really explain what happens! My friend has been and basically just talk about feelings and they try to get to he bottom of why anxiety has started and ways of dealing with it.

Tink xxx

18-03-09, 18:35
hey tink,thanks for your message and letting me know wat cbt stands for,actually alot of people on here seem to swear by it, but what makes me angry is i asked my doctor ages ago to see a cognative therepist, and doctor said it would do me no good for my panic attacks, i think i need to go back and ask again,anyway thjankyou once again and please keep intouch and let me know how yor sessions go, good luck and take care.

18-03-09, 19:21
I would do. I went quite a few times before they decided to refer me. It wasn't my normal doctor either as mine was on hols. I really do think it will help. My anxiety seems to have started out of the blue but now its here need to learn how to deal with and to accept it which at the moment is hard.

Def go back to the docs, let me know how u get on xxx

18-03-09, 22:37
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


eternally optimistic
18-03-09, 22:42
Hi Hampton Girl,

You're definitely NOT a saddo, as you put it - LOL.

I had a short course of CBT on the NHS last year, only 6 sessions.

It hasnt cured me, B U T I would say it helped me loads to retrain my brain in how I think. Which is half the problem.

Dont feel that your Doctor has written you off, and if you really think he/she has, ask to see somebody else.

There is always HOPE and you starting to believe that you can improve and change things is half the battle.

You're on here using this site and that says that you're keen to change things.

I wish you all the best and stay tuned on here.

19-03-09, 10:28
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, good advice on here and the chatroom helps as well , take care xx