View Full Version : vision

17-03-09, 21:43
has anyone ever felt like their vision was bad and even went to the eye doc for it. but then had it turn out to be anxiety.... mine was like that for weeks when the anxiety first hit me. now it comes and goes.
i still cannot believe that anxiety can do all this!!!!

17-03-09, 22:10
Yes. I've had all sorts of visual disturbances over the past few years. They visit for a period and then go of their own accord. The first lot freaked me out as I had no idea what they were and as I was working at the time I had to drive with them- stupid I know but I could not afford not to.

I noticed the last time I had them it seemed to be when I was reading books. Why that is I don't know. They do though come and go.


18-03-09, 10:01
oh yes im much the same as nechtan.i went to opticians 4 times for an eye test in a year.i couldnt believe there was nothing wrong with my eyes.i would accept the opticians findings for a few weeks but then have to go back.i thought i had a lot of floaters in my eyes and went to the docs who said they were perfectly normal but because i was anxious i noticed them more.the optician said the same.if i look for them they are still there but now i dont fixate about them i dont notice them.i often think i have problems with my eyes but with the amount of eye tests i have had i know that rationaly i do not have a problem the trouble is the irrational thoughts that we have make us fixate and the cycle returns.it is very hard to accept that what we feel or see is all down to anxiety and that is probably the biggest challenge we face,once we can come to terms with that we are on the road to recovery. it might sound strange but its good to know that i am not alone in having these symptoms.good luck bluewoman choliver xx