View Full Version : 18 years of age, and terrified.

17-03-09, 22:21
Good Evening to All.

I shouldn't be having these thoughts. Nope, not at all. But there's just so much going on in my life between college, having no income but have a strenuous job, and family that thinks i'm crazy.

For the past two weeks I've been having trouble with my bowel movements to where I dont even know whats "normal" anymore.
I barely eat, and i feel like i get full after a tiny bit of a meal.
Everything I do eat however gives me gas, and stomach cramps. Sometimes it feels like i'm gonna throw up.
I space out because I'm terrified I have cancer.
I've lost weight. I haven't been able to sleep because I'm just scared.
I feel like I can't breath because, I panic. Pure and Simple.

I don't smoke, do drugs, or drink.
Never touched any of that stuff in my life.
& I'm not pregnet cause I'm still a virgin.

There is no history of any cancer in my family.

Every new little aspect I realize about my body got my mind going all crazy.. I tell my parents but they don't help.

I'm going to a gastro doctor tomorrow, and I started crying at the dinner table. I reconciled to them with the thought of there actually being something really wrong, to where my mom goes.. "So freaking deal with it."

I dont know what to do.

Does anyone have any ways they can help me? I'm so terrified.

17-03-09, 22:28
Aw hun,Seriously, I'm going through the same thing as you. I have such a fear of cancer it's unreal. I am having alot of bowel problems,lost weight,havd pelvic infections and because of the Jade Goody stuff also...well I won't bore you with my crap.

It's so hard once you ge tin this mind set to shake it and I'm sorry you're going through it but it will pass. I have been having the lump in throat issue for a week or 2 and was convinced I had throat cancer but since going to docs and getting med for oral thrush,it is subsiding.

Going to the docs may be the best thing for you just to give you peace of mind. If it doesn't at first then go back.that is their job to make you feel healthy. I am going to have to face docs AGAIN for the 7th time in like a week because my pelvis and tum are still sore and I only got a smear a week ago and have 3 weeks to wait for results and I'm 22 and it is my first one!

If you want to talk or anything feel free to give me a little PM.

I'm happy to chat. I'm always looking for support and for giving it too! xxxxxxxxxxx

17-03-09, 22:39
i'm sure the doctor will really reassure you, and they will tell you do not have cancer. You will get better soon, i assure you, just need to keep positive in the mean time, easy said than done i know. your post really struck me, i could have probably wrote it myself, im 19 now and am still battling through my bowel problems, if you ever need to talk then feel free to pm, or instant message me.

kind regards
