View Full Version : My v. is sore now :(

17-03-09, 23:02
I had a pelvic infection and the antbiotics for it gave me oral thrush and I have been suffereing from constipation and the doctor gave me laxaatives and they have(sorry for this) blown the ass off me..

Now today I have went back to being constipated and my pelvic pain is returning. It got real bad after I ate my dinner..and by eating my dinner I mean like a third of it then I got STUFFED and incredibly uncomfortable. now I seem to be getting mild shotting pains through my tum down into my v and I noticed last night that I am SWOLLEN. I have lost weight but I look really swollen and as I am typing this my belly is making a werid pulsing shaky feeling inside. :(

I looked at my v(I'm sorry if this is horrible) and it looks red and it almost feels swollen too and it has a weird white stuff in it too.

It's not cos of sex cos it has been too sore to have sex with my bf for months. He must love me I guess,bless him.

I am scared there is something really really weong with me. I have these posts somewhere on the froum again but the thoughts keep returning with the big C word.

Someone help me :'(

18-03-09, 04:29
It all sounds like what the antibiotics do to you. The sore vagina sounds like more thrush, and the bowel problems can be caused by antibiotics too. Get drinking some water and eating some live yogurt, flush those Abs out of your system.

18-03-09, 15:51
I'm getting bad vaginal,or pelvic abdominal cramping just now that I am actually having to clecnh my butt. It's a dull ache then sharp shooting pains.


And my vagina has gotten sorer and there is indeed white stuff in it but I am already on fungal tabs for a week because of oral thrush so why has my vagina went sorer now? :( Still swollen to heck also.