View Full Version : Had Enough Of Panic

18-03-09, 09:59
Hi this is my first time ever using any forum. Ive been suffering from panic attacks constantly since just before christmas. Ive been on lots of tablets but at present im not using anything as they made me really depressed. My doctor has just prescibed me MIRTAZAPINE but im too scared to take them and had a panic attack just thinking about it. Im thinking of taking the herbal route any advice?


18-03-09, 10:55
Hi Mozzy,

I'm just new here too, but my experience of panic attacks is to face up and do even just one small thing each day - face the fear and it goes away, avoid it and it grows. Its hard, I know. I've been trying to get out on my own and have gradually increased my time in the car (just round the block) to 30 minutes - its not that long ago that I could only do 3 or 4. Push the boundaries all the time otherwise I just find they close in. It takes courage and patience and I've learned a lot about myself and other people through this.
Try and think positive about everything you do and and believe you can do it.
Good luck,

18-03-09, 10:59
I was getting better and was managing driving and going to shops etc. but a week ago i slipped right back to the beginning. I find it really takes it out of me and im exhausted all the time. Im not on any tablets as ive stopped taking them as they made me more depressed... ive been accepted for CBT but there is a 3 month waiting list.... Im going to go t a wellbeing clinic on Friday as im loathed to take drugs. So just going to the appointment will make me panic but i know I have to do it.

18-03-09, 11:10
Hope CBT will help you. If you don't want to take pills, then don't go to doctors. :)

18-03-09, 11:57
im going to try a wellbeing clinic as im scared of what tablets do to me they just make me feel depressed even more. im off all tablets now and i feel feed up but not so depressed. fingers crossed CBT will be for me. :)

18-03-09, 22:44
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


19-03-09, 10:29
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support here, take care xx