View Full Version : Down in a hurry

18-03-09, 12:11
I was having missed heart beats, had that checked and I am ok, then I get sick so went to urgent care, took a xray-everything fine, got antibiotics, know everything else starts. I am so sick to my stomach and feel like something is really wrong with me, I am scared and don't know why. Once something gets the ok, its starts to go somewhere else. When I talk it seems like I use the wrong words and know that right away, but that got me worried something is wrong with my brain, then my stomach hurts. Etc. When does it stop? I can't do this anymore. At all. Seriously, it is ruining my life. My husband, supportive and all, but he is getting tired of it and me to. We can't afford for me to run to the dr everytime I get worried.

18-03-09, 12:50
Irforge, honey you are getting yourself in a panic I can see that in your post. Remember HA takes a lot out of you and can make you very distracted. I have become very forgetful and sometimes can not think of the right word. Couldn't think what to call the Rubbish Cart the other day to tell my daughter what it was, had to ask my partner, who must think I am mad. What I am saying is you need to give yourself a chance to calm down and relax. There are lots of really lovely people on here who can support you.

Big Hug to you! x :hugs:

18-03-09, 13:44
Hiya Irforge,
It's very common how you are feeling. Once a symptom has been diagnosed and your mind put right about it, your brain just starts to look for other symptoms to worry about.
It's really good that the x-rays were fine. I know it's hard but try and concentrate on the good point that nothing serious was found in the tests. :D

The anxiety about worrying over the symptoms just throws up other symptoms and you just feel worse. I'm sure someone on here will have some better help for you than I can offer, but for now, it's good that the x-ray was fine and that you are being helped with antibiotics isn't it :D

take care


18-03-09, 18:27
what kind of antibiotics are you on? I also got sick with a sinus infection, felt horrible... I was put on antibiotics, and im telling you the antibiotic is making me feel even worse. Very out of it... sick to my stomach... dizzy... I am wondering if the cure is worse than the disease!

18-03-09, 20:07
The stuff I had first was Cephalexin (genertic for Keflex) yuck! Now I am on Zpac. I wonder about that to! Nothing natural will do it seems!

18-03-09, 21:59
Anxiety causes all sorts of unpleasant symptoms I know. Especailly the stomache. I just try relaxation techniques and have a nice hot bubble bath with some scented candles and I bring my battery operated radio in with me to listen to lol It really does the trick, at least for a little while.

I wish you well.