View Full Version : Need a Friend

18-03-09, 12:23
Hiya guys aint been on in a while, been busy moveing and sorting the new house.....I lived in castleford all my live now just moved to barnsley...im really finding it hard to settle as i suffer panic attacts agrophobia depression and social phobia and noone to turn to so it would be really nice to find a friend who understands everything im going thur as im going thru a really hard time and always feeling worthless i have a partner of 7 yrs but i think its getting to point where he cant cope with all my problems :(

18-03-09, 14:44
:hugs: i understand everything your going through - well not moving far from where you know - but i do have a husband and ive been agoraphobic. i dont live in barnsley - but i can still be your friend anyway:winks:

18-03-09, 15:24
i am not near u either but have moved away from family and friends and at a place where i no nobody, and am not very good at making friends. i have a partner of 6 years x:D

18-03-09, 17:43
thanks guys any of you have msn so we can chat if so PM thanks xoxox

18-03-09, 19:00
Aww hun,

i so know where you are coming from, i did all that last year, i was agora etc and moved away from all my family and friends to live with my b/f, i had never felt so lonely in all my life, so much so i got so depressed i had to move back home again.

i'll pm you my msn add

di xx

20-03-09, 20:04
Hiya Nicki22,
I suffer from agoraphobia and panic attacks and am having a difficult time with it at the moment too. If you fancy chatting on msn I can pm you my email addy.

21-03-09, 14:27
that would be great starlight look forward to hear from you x

29-03-09, 02:22
Hi Nicki, I live about 10 minutes from Barnsley. PM me if you want to chat :)

I would send you a message now but honestly I've been up for 20 hours straight and my brain has started leaking. ;)