View Full Version : has anybody found exercise helpful?

18-03-09, 12:35
I am having my 2nd instalement of panic attacks had them 5 years ago for 6 months and they never really went but now they are back, Is it true that exercise helps? :yesyes:

18-03-09, 12:39
I've had panic attacks for 19 years, however i used to excercise alot and in them years that i did excercise i never suffered not even with anx.........now you'd think common sense would tell me to get back excercising and i will.............but need to give up smoking first.

I think healthy eating and excercise are so important, i just need to get my backside into gear and change my lifestyle again.

di xx

18-03-09, 12:55
yeah i go running and ride my bike on a regular basis it really does help

18-03-09, 14:40
:) yeah i agree being active helps - mine has slipped in the last 6 months and i feel worse - so i am going to start working harder - i have got lazy and im sleeping really bad so i think an extra push will help - but i also like walking the dogs and i think its very important not to soley rely on exercise - but it is well known that it plays a massive part in keeping a person well and sane:yesyes:

18-03-09, 15:59
I think it helps your confidence and self esteem as well as the obvious health benefits.

I am just patting myself on the back, as I have been for a very long, very remote and arduous walk. This is after having the day from hell yesterday when I had a complete wobbler, and although it was tough I now feel great.....

I think the thing to do is to pace yourself, I was very fit once and it frustrates me that when I am anxious I can't do the things that I once did, although I really don't know why I can't, but that's another point. Anyway I have learned to do what I can when I can and if it means walking 50 paces and resting for 5 minutes then that's what I do. Just don't give up if it seem hard to begin with.

Watch out Everest here I come, that's if I can get over my fear of flying !

Mistral XX

18-03-09, 16:49
Yes - I do pilates which I find really helps. I am going to get back playing badminton so I can eat cream cakes and not feel guilty. And swimming is good cos you have to focus on breathing. Even just brisk walking helps me.

18-03-09, 18:15
Funny you should mention exercise. I was talking to someone recently (a professional) about depression and low mood and anx blah blah. She was asking me if I do any exercise. I said I did, that I walked about a mile a day with my dog. She told me that was no good. She said you have to do something more aerobic to get the heart pounding.

I do have an exercise bike and one of these trampet bouncer things so I could do a little workout - trouble is I can't seem to motivate myself to do it. I know if I do and I make it a habit then I would do it each day.

This person was telling me (I'm sure we all know this) that aerobic exercise has been proved to as effective as an anti depresant. I so must have a go. Also I could shift a bit of this weight I've gained lol.

18-03-09, 18:29
Hard one for me to comment on as for 17 years i went to gym played fives badminton tennis weights the lot and still developed anxiety with what life was thowing at ,me .
It got to stage nothing and i mean nothing tired me out 2 hours on treadmills and still wanting to do weights and back at night for more but realising now adrenalin was pouring through me day and night this might sound daft but it was only time i got some inner peace
But previously for years it was great; training hard and your on cloud nine afterwards and so relaxed so i would recommend it 100% for anxiety and panic attacks and one day i will get guts up and return (still a mental block for me so far as reminds me of bad times)but for you mozzy im sure would do trick good luck

i hate panicking
18-03-09, 18:39
Hi Mozzy,

It definitely did the trick with me had been suffering with panic attacks then decided to join the Gym and have not had one since:D

18-03-09, 19:44
thanks for your replies. im going to start excerising and hope it helps. :)

18-03-09, 22:05
I find walking outside helps relax, clear my mind and makes me feel good

eternally optimistic
18-03-09, 22:33

I started to walk, for many reasons.

I had a "slight" break down several years ago when things got the better of me. I could feel myself becoming reclusive, although I had been working up until this time. I knew if I didnt walk to the corner shop that I would be shut up inside all the time.

I went from someone who worked every day (have now returned) to someone who was unable to go anywhere near enough overnight! How does that happen.

Anyway, back to exercise. I made myself walk, probably only 5 minutes at a time, to the corner shop. Sometimes it filled me with real horror and so I kept at it....

So "yes" is my answer, it does help.

Go for it.

Sorry about rambling....

19-03-09, 12:12
Hi All,

Yes, I've started exercising this week and I do feel better for it. If I can't get to the gym I'm just going to try skipping in the garden or star jumps and make out my own routine. I thought walking was good, but like Yvonne said, I just heard recently its not enough if you don't get your heart rate thumping and the endorphins pumping rounds. Exercise produces some kind of stress inhibitors so it sounds good to me and worth a try!


19-03-09, 22:28

Yes it does help if you get your heart pumping a bit, but it certainly does not have to be marathon stuff. It's different for eveyone. I go swimming twice a week and to the gym about the same. There are times though that I find going for a brisk walk just as good.

Any activity is better than nothing at all.

26-03-09, 11:00
Hi Mozzy,

Yup - definitely helps me. Really clears out the adrenalin and getting the heart pumping makes my mood lift a whole lot. I do my exercise at home - pilates in the mornings/evenings, and I try to do a lot of walking too. Actually, I live in London and don't have a car and public transport is pretty expensive, so I end up walking a LOT!!

Having it as my routine makes it easier to do because I know that when I start feeling overwhelmed and panicky, it is one of the first things I stop doing - which is a bit daft, because it is one of the things that helps the most!

Does anyone else find that stress sort of stops the exercise routine in its tracks sometimes and find it hard to get back into the routine again, or is that just me?!
