View Full Version : Hi there

18-03-09, 12:52
Hi every one am 26 and have just been giving 20mg of prozac from my doctor, I lost my job in august and since then i have not been able to find work, Am a plumber and the building trade is on it's knees, I find it had to motovate my self getting crabit of the slights things and it's not fair on the wife and kids, Thats why i went to the doctor, I do a job search 3 times a day but there ain't nothing out there, I use to earn £1000 a week now i get £180 every 2 weeks fae the bru so times are hard, I lost my car and motorbike, I had to sell a lot of thing that i worked hard for and saved hard for, I know i will get another job it's just when i'll get it, Just started taking the prozac yesterday and the doctor gave me discount for a gym membership to help get my motovation back which i hope it will, How long till i start to fell the efects of the prozac working? Sorry for the spelling mistakes av got dyslexia,
Cheers j

18-03-09, 12:58
If it helps my boyfriend lost his job in November and also hasnt been able to find another job. I think it helps to know there are losts of people in the same position. At some point there has got to be a turnaround. My boyfriend is coping by doing jobs in the house and for his family as a painter and decorator they have lots for him to do ... youve just got to keep busy. im suffering panic attacks at the moment and I think its due to worry about the mortgage etc... but I know we will get through it together. Hope you feel better soon. :)

18-03-09, 13:18
If it helps my boyfriend lost his job in November and also hasnt been able to find another job. I think it helps to know there are losts of people in the same position. At some point there has got to be a turnaround. My boyfriend is coping by doing jobs in the house and for his family as a painter and decorator they have lots for him to do ... youve just got to keep busy. im suffering panic attacks at the moment and I think its due to worry about the mortgage etc... but I know we will get through it together. Hope you feel better soon. :)

Av worked since the day i left school and never ever been a lazy person, When i was at work i use to work through my lunch breaks and just kept going, Now i feel it really hard to motovate my self to do anything, This is what get to me and being crabit over the slights of things, God i hope these prozac help me, Cheers for the welcome:winks:

18-03-09, 22:41
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


19-03-09, 00:01
Hi Foley, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :)

19-03-09, 10:03
Thanks for the welcome,

19-03-09, 10:33
Hi there Foley and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support on here , take care xx