View Full Version : headaches,constant watery eye

18-03-09, 13:06
I started with a watery right eye about 3 weeks ago,i had got a cold the week before hand.I used antibiotic drops for 5 days and my eye seemed fine for a week then it started again,by the third day i was fed up and so went to a pharmasist and asked advice,she gave me antibiotic ointment to try which i used for 4 days with not much joy so i went to see my GP yest,he inspected my eye and said it could be a blocked tear duct and to massage the area around my nose downwards and to continue with my ointment.
i thin i may have sinus probles too as i have had headache for about 2 days and i feel preassure behind my eyes and in my ear :-( im really fed up i still have this watery eye and i have mucus at the back of my throat,i worry about what it might be after foolishly looking on the net and i should know better.

18-03-09, 19:11
Just found this, notice the last post by Charles Linden, hes like a anxiety guru, ive never tried is program, his marketing is good however. He had a good reponse see below.

CharlesLinden (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=19700) http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif vbmenu_register("postmenu_469897", true);
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Re: Going mad with worry
Trust me... tens of thousands of clients later... this sounds like a typical phone call with a new client!! The symptoms you decsribe are very typical of clasic anxiety sufferers and NONE are harmful or threatening in any way at all. A good head, neck and shoulder massage would probably sort most of it out! All of the nerves and bllod vessels that feed the face and head come from your neck straight over the top of your head. Any tension in the neck can cause these blood vessels and nerves to become trapped and crushed, causing pain, dizziness, tightness, eye pain, watery eyes, disturbed smell, tooth pain, jaw pain, numbness and the list goes on!!

Stop focusing on the symptoms and find something to focus on which projects your consciousness out of your body instead of internalising all of your conscious thought and embeishing your symptoms with anxiety fuelled fantasy and 'what if' thoughts!

Get a massage!


Charles Linden

Anxiety Videos and Advice on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/CharlesLinden)
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