View Full Version : tea bags

01-08-05, 19:26
hi all ,,

hope you are all doing ok,,

i know i dont post much but i do visit alot,,

i havent drank tea/coffee for 10 years now due to my anxiety/panic attacks and to be honest dont miss it that much,,
but was wondering i have seen these DECAF tea bags in asda and was wonering has anyone tried them and are they tottally cafiene free,,,and they also have DECAF coffee is this tottally cafiene free ,,,cause i dont wabnt to aggravate my anxiety,

any comments wouyld be most grateful,,

you see its the social aspect of it you got to someones house (would yoou like a cup of tea??) no thank you i dont drink tea or coffee i sit there with a glass of water and they look at me rather strange,,

thank you all ,,,


01-08-05, 19:29
I have been drinking decaf tea and coffee for over 5 years now and it tastes fine to me.

Yes they are caffeine free.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

01-08-05, 19:37
Yes they're fine.

Also Trevor as you improve you may find you're not as sensitive as you were when you were acute.

I couldn't have any of my beloved diet coke and then stayed off it completely but have found I can now have have some again without any ill effects.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-08-05, 19:39
I drink decaf tea and I love it :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

02-08-05, 07:17
ive never heard of decaf tea, but i guess i could give it a try. :D

i have been drinking coke lately though but i always end up going back to water or something. i refuse to drink decaf coke cause its just too nasty i think [:P]


02-08-05, 10:39
Idrink decaf tea and cappachino, havent had caffeine for years if I do I soon know about it.

Barb xxx

02-08-05, 16:58
I drink decaf coffee and it's fine.Have you tried herbal teas or fruit teas. They have loads of both in all supermarkets

with good wishes


02-08-05, 17:24
Like everyone else, I stick with the decaf these days , the tea is fine and the coffee not too bad. I occaisionally treat myself to a nice regular filter coffee after a nice meal out though, as I think it doesnt hurt occaisionally. Do you also avoid alcohol? and cigarettes? even more of a social issue.... Us lot better watch it as we are in danger of becoming saints!!!!

03-08-05, 07:57
Hi trevor

Pressed wrong button and replyed with a quote of what youve written LOL so sorry.

I stopped smoking a couple months ago and changed to decaf as i read someone elses message and they said it helped them, its been great so far and when i go to visit people i take my own supply of decaf teabags which my mum finds funny but she doesnt have anxiety.

All the best
