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18-03-09, 13:27
Does anyone else have a complete fear about HIV despite negative tests?
its really ruining my life. So hard to cope

18-03-09, 14:12
Hi LisaLisa

When I was younger I had alot of sexual partners and it wasn't until I had my daughter 15 years on that I finally laid the fear to rest. When I had the test (they do it automatically) I accepted that it was negative and after 15 years I laid that worry to rest. HIV was always in the back of my mind because of my past. I had a test many years ago and it came back negative, but still I did not believe it so I do know what you feel like. It often came back when I was in a new relationship.

All I can say is that HIV is now treatable (it wasn't when I had my first test) and the tests are reliable. Have you had thoughts about any other conditions or has something happened to make you doubt the results. It might help to talk to someone, do you have anyone you can confide in?

Honey I know it is hard to cope but you can do it.x

18-03-09, 15:03
Thanks so much for answering.

I am bothered by it because I have these symptoms which all happen with that and cant find any other explanation. Before I googled the symptoms I wasnt particularly worried about hiv but did have major health anxiety full stop and since i settled on the symptoms of hiv its just unbearable. The only 'risks' I have ever had I think were a boyfriend who turned out to be very dodgy and a stupid belly button peircing in an unlicenced place - although apparently very popular for doing tatoos , in 2002. So I went for tests three times , twice at GUM and once to dr, all negative. Then last year accidentaly got pregnant- amazing seeing as almost completely celabate ( not sure if that spelt right! my partner is very tolerant to my anxiety! and got another test as they do, which was negative. But because of the symtpoms I am living in complete anxiety. Dr is fed up of me and will only tell me I am anxious and tests are fine. Started seeing psychologist last week but feel like i really do have it and so worried for my daughter and my partner too.
Read all this stuff in internet about different strains and now just feel like tests are missing it . Got talk about going on and on, bet your sorry you answered me now!