View Full Version : eye pain!

18-03-09, 13:59
Well my struggle goes on with my symptoms and health anxiety

I am worried about my head since Ocotber, doc's say I am fine and its anxiety etc.

Anyhow back in December, my eyes where sore for a period its back!

Both my eyes seem painfull at times, its driving me nuts!

I think it might be because of my neck I keep twisting it with stress not it kinda cracks, would that effect my eyes

I dont know what to do anymore, its a never ending struggle.

18-03-09, 14:42
hey im having trouble with eyes or eye at the moment,one of mine wont stop watering.
do you have sinus problems? sinus problems can make eyes sore or have a feeling of preassure behind the eyes and above.
hope your ok

21-03-09, 12:54
I too have sore eye and am also very worried! I have just posted a thread about it! Mine feels like a pressure.

21-03-09, 15:45
I went to the doctors yesterday actually about my eye. Left one.

It started on Monday and it felt "Odd", like my eyebrow felt really heavy, i know it sounds stupid, but it was strange. Then UNDER my eye started to feel numb, although it definitely wasn't.

My eye kept burning as well. Like it does if you have kept it open for too long without blinking and another thing, my left temple was so tender. I tried to rub it but it was as if i had bruised it (but i hadn't).

Yesterday (after having this all week) my eye was hurting to move it, so my mother made me go, i wouldn't have gone!!!!

Apparently it is my sinuses, but who knows? I have antibiotics and i have to keep steaming...which i don't mind doing :)
