View Full Version : Health anxiety - new here

18-03-09, 16:33
Hi everyone

I stumbled upon this site just a couple of weeks ago, and was so relieved and reassured to read that there are people who feel like me! I thought I was going mad with all the strange thoughts that go through my head.

My health anxiety manifested itself last year when I began getting pins and needles down my right arm. I worked myself up about it until I sat up in bed feeling tingly all over and my heart was racing. I thought it was some kind of heart thing and went to the dr the next day. I had an ecg at the drs and all was fine, as was my blood pressure. I have a heightened sensitivity to anything heart related as my dad has had a quadruple bypass about 8 years ago and most of my grandparents had heart problems. Coupled with the fact that I could stand to lose some weight myself, I read far too much into everything I feel.

Anyway, not long after that little episode, I found a tiny lump in my breast. I was sent for a mammogram, but it takes quite a while to get in and get the results, so I was mulling over that for a while and getting quite agitated and worried about the possible outcome. While I was waiting for the results, I developed ectopic heart beats (PVCs) so then I started worrying about that as well!

Needless to say, I started getting the classic symptoms of anxiety - tense muscles (neck, back, chest), nausea, racing heart, headaches and some dizziness. Went back to the dr and she asked me what my real worry was. That was a relief, and to put my mind at ease, she sent me off for some heart related tests. Which again came back clear. I eventually also went to a physio to sort out my neck pain and lo and behold, the headaches went!

So just the last couple of days, I have been feeling a bit nervous again. I know my neck pain is back and I have some slight pins and needles in my left arm. I just can't seem to stop myself from worrying about it all. I have also been having some indigestion/heartburn the last week or so. What I hate most about all this, is that up until last year, I was so healthy and NEVER went to the dr. She seems to think that it is quite common for mums of young children (I have 3) to get worried about their health. Hopefully just talking about it all here will help me calm down a bit.

I am so grateful for this site, and the opportunity to read something positive on the internet!

18-03-09, 16:39
hi, i dont know if these fellings are normal but i feel the same way i have two young children, i am new here and think its great the people here are great at giving advice and are relly friendly, its funny how many people have the same thng has you and that you are not alone,
take care:hugs:

18-03-09, 16:46
I stumble dupon this site a few days ago whilst..yes googling symptoms!

For once I am actually GLAD I googled as I found this wonderful supportive place and it is AMAZING to know that we are not alone.

My anxiety got worse after I was diagnosed witha pelvic infection round about the same time Jade Goody was told she was dying with cervical cancer..needless to say my googling went awry. And from there everything has went to pooh.

I hope you find here comforting sweets,it is a wonderful place xxxx

18-03-09, 22:38
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


18-03-09, 23:58
Hi Lynski, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

19-03-09, 10:40
Hi there and :welcome: to the site a lot of good advice and support here , the chatroom is very good as well, take care xx

22-04-09, 08:20
Thanks for all the support everyone! Let's hope we can all help each other along this bumpy road...

22-04-09, 14:45
Hi Lynski,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will offer their support. Glad you are here.

Take care,


22-04-09, 19:27
Hello and welcome to NMP, lots of support and advice and understanding here , Glad you found the site , best wishes, take care , Dusky :welcome: x