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18-03-09, 18:03
Hi all,
Still going through hell here with good old health anxiety!!!! been having problems for well over a year now and eventually got to see a neurologist yesterday. He doesnt think there is anything 2 worry about but is gonna do a brain scan just 2 check. I feel a bit more positive, but i still have major problems walking, feel like my body is off balance and so heavy, legs start shaking and im a mess!!!!!! just feel they r missing something and i always think im gonna die!!! so dizzy all the time 2, just not real, if that makes sense?

18-03-09, 18:30
it makes a lot of sense. I dont know if this helps, but I have been having the same symptoms as well. I know it is so hard to believe it can possibly be "just anxiety". I have had several tests... and everything is normal. I guess it is just amazing what stress and anxiety can actually do to our bodies. Hang in there, and just tell yourself it will pass soon.

18-03-09, 19:44
Thank for your reply ItWillPass, nice to know im not going mad.......just yet!!!! just really cant understand wots going on, dont feel overly anxious at all and really cant accept it can be anxiety when this has been going on for over a year! really am trying to get out and do more but it just isnt happening!!!

18-03-09, 19:48

Have you ever been checked for a middle ear infection at all?


18-03-09, 19:51
Hi lisa,
thanks for your post, been checked for everything under the sun!!!lol ears are apparently fine. i know i keep on, but cant understand the pain that comes with it 2(in my legs)

18-03-09, 19:56
hi i had this problem last year, just a haze feeling and i didn't want to move because i felt like everything was moving, when i walked to the doctor i felt like i was waliking on a bouncey castle or treading water. i was told it was due to my stress anxiety but couldn't really understand it as i wasn't worry much at the time but was told it can just cause symptoms anytime. i had problems with my legs to, it sounds strange but it felt like i had toothache in them??