View Full Version : Real scared,severe bloating and pain,help!Eveything!

18-03-09, 20:52
Anxiety is through the roof just now.

Someone please help me.

I am trying to rationalise my thoughts but they keep coming back to the same thing.

I have lost weight but my stomach is really swollen and sore and round at my tailbone. My vagina is sore also and I can't get cancer out my head. I'm trying and I can't and I can't ge tit out my head that I'm jinxing myself going on about it but then I still do.

Round about the same time last year I got admitted to hospital with faecal impaction(severe constipation) and they gave me an enema and movicol for two weeks.

I don't think I pooh alot anyways but I have got constipated again and the doc gave me some lactulose solution and sennz tablets and when I have taken them my insides have run out of me..like yellow mucousy water.

But when I'm not on anything, I can't seem to pooh,or pooh very little and it feels like there is some right there waiting to come out. I'm sorry to be so gross.

It is sore to have sex,my period lasted about 2 days last time I had it 5th March and my head is just running amock.

I had a pelvic infection 2 weeks ago and got 2 loads of antibiotics and it helped the pain a bit but it's coming back and I got oral thrush tabs also.

I think I suffer form ocd too and I rmemebr arguing with my bf and he said something about messing upmy future when I walked out of college one day around about the same time this happened and I said to him "screw the future,I don't have one" and I'm scared I have cursed myself.

I keep getting weird shotting pains trough me also and I just don't feel good and I'm scared I have cancer. End of. Some sort of cancer and I'm dying and I'm terrified.

I want held or something,I dunno what to do! My posts of similar content are everywhere on here but I keep freaking. I frogot to say that I am waiting for a cervical smear result also and it wont be for a few weeks. I duno what to do help.

18-03-09, 20:55
Hi Weemee
I'm sorry that you are struggling so much with all your symptoms, as you know I am not having a good time either. Like your last post to me, I'm not sure I can offer you any answers, but can say you're not alone!!!

I am sure that you haven't got anything bad (easy to say to others, but hard to believe yourself!)

You can't curse yourself though, honest. Illness isn't something that develops due to fate, or curses...

What tests are you having, ultrasound or CT scans??

18-03-09, 21:02
I was at the doctors on Monday just there and my dad came in with me and said to the doctor can you not get her an xray or scan or something cos she's upset etc and the doc said that she didn't want to go down the investigative route because she didn't want to heighten my anxiety. :'(

But I'm going off my head. I am not imagining not being able to do the toielt on my own and physical swelling! :'(

And yes,we can tell other people they are fine and not to worry but we never can take our own advice,it's awful.
:( Thankyou for the reply sweety. I think I'm gonna need to go to docs tomorrow.

I don't know what I'll do if I have cancer or a bad smear or something when results come.

xxxxxx My anxiety always gets worse at night too xxxxxx

18-03-09, 21:02
Hi Wee-Mee,

I know I replied to one of your earlier posts, but I just wanted to try and reassure you. Is there anyone there with you who you can call on for help? Is there anyone you can ring up, just to chat to about how you are feeling right now?

If I were you, I would take myself off to the GP first thing in the morning and see what he/she says. I am no Dr, but I doubt very seriously that you would have cancer. Sounds like you may have IBS due to suffering with stress and anxiety - also, if you were recently on anti-biotics, these can sometimes cause other problems, which are easily treatable. Thrush is often caused after a round of antibiotics, although I've never had it myself so I can't comment on your symptoms. I did however once have a reaction (got an infection in my bowel) after taking some very strong antibiotics for cystitis. It was easily treated and I was fine. Just try and see your GP tomorrow - if anything it may put your mind at rest. I hope this helps! You will be okay :)

18-03-09, 21:15
Thankyou bambam. I just feel like I'm going to be the unlucky one or something.

Not last night bt the night before,I was crying sooooooo hard. Last night I was peeing alot more also. I feel I'm falling apart.

My mum and my dad are in but I don't want to worry them with stuff again cos I feel I'm putting them in stress too and although I am 22 my parents are older,my dad is 67 and my mum is 59. I think they call me a late baby or something. Cos they had me when they were alot older.

They are wodnerful parents but I worry alot about them also so don't want to make THEM worry.

Gah my mind. I think I will have to see the doc. I remeber crying to my mum and she said that the doc might see about getting my mental health evaulated again cos I'm making myself ill with worry.

I remember going through a bad bout of this when I was about 14 and I was convinced I had glandular cancer or something and I dunno how I go tthrough that.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh :'(

18-03-09, 21:24
I am sorry you are feeling this way. It is a horrible situation to be in as most of us know on here. I think you have been given some really good advice from Bam Bam. Only advice I can offer is, many years ago I was admitted to hospital with what was called Psuedo Bowel Obstruction. I couldnt go to the toilet and believe me I was seriously ill. I didnt get a chance to think about or even try to diagnose it as I was just too ill. IBS does sound like it could be involved in how you are feeling and your quite clearly stressed out with it all. I think if you don't start to feel any better soon then pursue your doctor for an answer. I really hope you start to feel better soon. We're all here for you.

18-03-09, 21:38
Deary me mummyto4,that is awful. I hope you are well now! *hugs*

Yes I think I am going to have to go to doctors tomorrow. I am backwards though cos I am wanting exams to see what's wrong then when doctors say they will give me them I will freak and think they know what's wrong with me. :(

I am always anxious but I get these real bad bouts of it and I'm amidst one of those just now and I cannot get my life back. :( I have never been diagnosed with IBS but After having pains in my left side and pelvis again last week,the doctor at hospital thought it was a urine infection although I had no symptoms of it and gave me ibroprofen which I took an allergiv reaction too and had an asthma/panic attack and was kept overnight.

But the following day when the nurse was giving me lactulose solution and senna tablets ,she said that I should see the doctor about IBS cos it sounded similar but I dunno. Cos I just am not able to pooh on my own.

I don't know.

This place is wonderful for support. I am worried that doctors think that it is all in my head but something may be really wrong with me but they don't check and I'mscared that's what is going on just now what with no tests or anything being done although my dad asked. xxxxxx

18-03-09, 21:45
just try and calm yourself (easier said than done i know) i'm all of a worry like you at the moment and i find it harder at night, alot of your symptoms like wanting to pass water more is down to the anxiety i'm like that recently. after looking in posts it sounds like you could have i.b.s, esspecially since you are constipated and really bloated. antibiotics can sometimes affect you bowel and digestive habits. i really bloated and felt pain and sick the last ones i was on and my girlfriend blames her i.b.s on the antibiotics she was on and when she was told by a nurse she had it she put it down to her taking them. the worry of cancer is always there on your mind i can relate to that so much, just remember you aint alone alot of us on here can understand just what you are feeling.

18-03-09, 21:54
wee mee, your not by any chance taking any iron supplements at the moment are you? cos they can cause constipation quite badly. I have suffered with anaemia on and off for many years and as soon as I am on the iron tabs again, I get where I just can't go.

18-03-09, 22:17
ubermod I am going to go to docs tomorrow and hopefully leave feeling reassured or atleast get tests or something. I really feel crazy. I have asthma and eczema and my eczema is alot better since childhood but I get the occasional flare up and even that is away now. and I'm coughing wit a tickle in my throat that is coming from my chest so I am probs going to start about that now. :'(

mummyto4.I am not on iron supplements nope. I'm not on any kind of supplements. I tried iron supplements once and they gave me bad headaches and the shakes. :/ So I am lost totally. :(

I fear it is going to be a horrible restless night. :'(

Again,thank you all for the kind words. It means the world. xxxxx

19-03-09, 08:37
Well,I am hopefully going to get an appointment at doctors today and get better. Cos I'm losing my mind.

19-03-09, 09:00
Hope you manage to get an appointment today - that can be hard in itself sometimes!
I have a lot of pain under my ribs in the middle today :(
So fed up!!:weep:

19-03-09, 09:06
Aw sweetheart,I know it's never ending isn't it!?

I even posted another thread abouta tickle in my throat and a cough where I coldn't break it last night and my head started about that. I woke this morning and the tickle is away.

I had that similar pain the other morning along with back ache and I think I held my pee in too long and when I peed it got better.

But yes..2 mins and I shall be phoning. I am embarassed cos everytime I phone the recptionist goes,"is it an emergency" and I say yes,somtimes in hysterics. :'(

I get worried they just tell me they don't have any and think I'm a loon. xxx

19-03-09, 09:09
Okay..1120 this morning..she said the emergency question and I kind of went silent and went "um,yes wwell I'm still having bad stomach pains,"I felt like an idiot but I don't know why when the pain is real. :'( xxx

19-03-09, 15:45
Hope it went ok xx Let us have an update

19-03-09, 16:37
Hi there. :) I went to the doctors and broke down. She gave me some steroid tablets for my chest cos of my Asthma and said she didn't want to give me anything because she thinks that it is my body all out of whack with medicine but I told her that my front and back passage feel swollen and that I can't pooh on my own and she said the same thing and that it's just cos I am anxious I am noticing things more... :'(

So I have to continue taking the solution and laxies but I don't want to rely on laxies and I don't think it's fair I'm just being left like this.

All she said was that she would refer me to the gynacologist but that could take months. So

I'm sat here,even after taking the stuff,bloated and in pain.

What can you do? *sighs* I jsut get scared that docs end up thinking everything is all in my head but there really is something wrong with me.

I felt okay for a little while..now my head is going again. :'(

19-03-09, 20:11
:'( the magazine I just read had an article in it about a girl that died of cervical cancer at 23 yrs old and she got diagnosed with an infection first of all and got antibiotics.thats whats happened to me!help

19-03-09, 21:21
Hi Wee mee,

Your thoughts are really getting out of control honey. I do know how you feel though and I am exactly the same so not in a good position to give any advice. One thing someone said to me is NEVER read any 'real life tales or lfe stories or case histories'. Remember how many people there are in the world and how many of these stories that are published, in comparison, not many....there will always be a story about someone who had an itchy ear for example and then that turned out to be a rare form of leukemia, or someone who had a poorly toe, which turned out to be a heart problem... You don't get to hear about all the routine things that can cause so much pain, as they are too boring for the media and websites to report on...I try and remember this.

You are so young to have worries like this. Could you go to another GP at your surgery and explain how you feel or could your dad go with you again?

I really don't think you have anything bad... I have had IBS before and I thought I was dying, but after a whole host of scans, that found nothing, it was just IBS.

Are you working or at college - how are you managing?

20-03-09, 11:20
I don;t know what to do. :'( I am in college..just now funnilyenough. and when I went to do a pee in the toilet,I wiped my rectum slightly,sorry for being gross and it looked streaked pink. :(

And my tail bone feels weird.

I really think I got cancer down there somewhere :@( thanks for the lovely words though. And I'm 22 but feel aboutn82

20-03-09, 11:52
Keep your chin up. You need to go back to the docs. Did they test your wee?

20-03-09, 13:40
They have tested it in the past and one time there was a tiny bit of blood in it but no white ceels or somethng whatever that meant which was good apparantly.

I dunno what to do with myself. I had an exam in college and couldn't do it. I just sat for an hour and wrote my doc a letter of everything. How crazy is that? :'(

So I failed the exam and I'm failing having a life.

I'm losing the plot

20-03-09, 15:06
Wow, you poor thing! You sound like youre having it really rough. All I can say is that I really hope you feel better soon & Im sure it's nothing serious. Im always surprised what anxiety can do to me!

21-03-09, 10:57
Thankyou very much alex *hugs*

I am finding it hard just now.

I'm so confused.

You need fiber to form good poohs but i can't eat wholegrains or oats and stuff where you get it cos I have a yeast infection.. so I'm stuck not knowing how to help myself.

i poohed a little this morning and it was very painful and when I wiped,alittle bit of blood came out. :'(

Eek x

21-03-09, 13:04
oh my god~i feel exactly the same as you! i went to docs last year because of bloating,weird periods and pain. I was diagnosed with PCOS (hormone condition causing cysts on ovaries) the bloating they said was down to diet. but just like you i had written myself off with cancer,i know how you feel so i wont tell you not to panic, like you im trying to rationalise my thoughts it helps me by keeping a thought diary (suggestion by my gp)

21-03-09, 17:53
can you get bowel problems with pcos??

Cos I'm having that too. :(

And my vagina feels very swollen but I haven't had sex cos it has been too painful. xx

21-03-09, 18:44
Had diaoreah there..and it feels like I have to pass a really big pooh but instead tere's liquidy s**t passing throug the middle of it. :(

It literally feels as I'm sat here that there is crap at my ass and I dunno what to do. What if it's blocked? I'm scared its colon cancer :'(

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21-03-09, 18:47
oops...i swore.. im sorry :(

21-03-09, 19:42
One thing the docs told me when I went to A and E with my IBS...was that bowel cancer would not hurt, so if you have been having a lot of pain, then it would not be that.

If I was you, I'd probably go to A and E and get this sorted once and for all and tell them, you need them to examine you.

Sorry you are having such a horrid time


23-03-09, 11:01

Thanks. Well I phoned the sex clinic here..like they deal with everything sexual related,family planning etc too and have to go down to the drop in service between 8 and 1030 tomorrow to see a nurse and cos I have alot of symptoms I shouldn't have a big wait. So hopefully will be okay.

I'm sick of being sick. And it isn't in my head. For once.

I showed my mum my tummy and my sides and even down below my tum at my pelvis and my back...showed her how swollen it is. it is so swollen that i have a discoloured line all round it.which isn't dirt.i wash all the time!

I'm only 127lbs and I have this massive rolly stomach. I wish I could put pics up..I would. Anyways.. I also showed her inside my vagina a bit(yes I'm that freaked out) and showed her it red and swollen with white stuff in it. And she told me to go to this place.

So.. dunno. It's going the way it was before any medication.

And I still can't pooh properly.And I'm starting to feel sick.

24-03-09, 06:19
I am gonna keep giving this thread updates with my problems cos this is really where all my stuff is.

I'm away today to the sex clinic...hope it goes ok.

I think I might need to go to hospital though.

I have no room to breathe

26-03-09, 10:37
How you feeling now?
Hope you are a bit better?