View Full Version : I'm the New Guy

18-03-09, 22:25
:blush: Hi All, my name is Mike.

This is my first post here and also my first admission on this type of site.

My background is both military and in law enforcement which is why I'm doing this anonymously. I have alot to lose professionally.

Here's my situation;

After a few years of being a cop (after my service years) I got hurt and could no longer do my regular duties. I had a hard time dealing with the pain and my lack of sleep (5 years now). I had previously been diagnosed with a PTSD and it hasn't effected my life at all. I was taking pain meds and given sleep meds.

After a year on my back, I felt better and I received an offer to work overseas. Keep in mind that I was always a bit finicky. I just attributed that to being a Virgo but anyways...after a few tours there as a war contractor, I came home for a bit and was warned by the Wife that she would leave. It's hard to get out of this business so during my 3rd tour. She left and took the monies we had which sent me into a small depression but I buried myself in work.

I got hurt last year in a IED blast overseas and although I've been wounded before, I started having disturbing dreams, violent ones. Nothing that would put me away but it bothered me. It was more intense than my earlier PTSD's after I got out of service. When I came home, I just parked myself at home, stayed home and just enjoyed home. I go out when I absolutely have to but some of my friends have said that it was not normal. Even my girlfriend mentioned it. Am I what the medical community calls agrophobic? (Pardon my spelling.) I have no vested interest in my hobbies anymore which included alot of stuff from work. I have said that I want to stay at home and enjoy all it's modern amenities but I think it's gotten deeper then that.

I go and work when a company calls but I need to have my kit organized and I don't like fluctuations in my job although it always is. I adapt too it but I can't say I like it, especially in my line of work. I don't go out from my house much. I keep to myself, have a girlfriend that will drop by once in awhile but will not go out because I just don't feel like dealing with anyone. I think it's due to my experiences with people that I've bumped into from my cop work and mil spec work. I've seen the hurt that other folks can do and my subconcious is telling me to back off. However I've been curious if there is something wrong?

Feel free to PM me. I need some input.

18-03-09, 22:33
Hi Mike and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


18-03-09, 22:51
Someone has already PM'd me on this but I thought I'd make it anonymously public. I am still taking pain meds and sleep meds and I know that it is a curious link too agoraphobia.

I have no fear or known anxiety outside my home. But I do have apathy and a cynical attitude. Maybe I'm just mentally hard from my experiences. I do have a dark sense of humor to deal with the stuff I've witnessed or done myself. It's hard to look into the mirror at times and although I have forgiven myself for my actions, I know that some of my actions can never be forgiven.

I was divorced last year and the ex suffered from anxiety and depression badly. I assume our marriage ended due to the fact she expected a local cop, not a guy that goes overseas over and over again. I'm 40 years old and in good shape and health other than my previous injuries.

I am more than willing to answer any questions you may have so I can get your input on my "situation".

There's alot of you reading but do you have any input? C'mon. Be brave and type something. We're all anonymous.

20-03-09, 00:36
I got another PM from one of the members here asking me if I feel any fear whenever I'm out. All I can tell you is;

I go shopping when I have to. I'm like a nuclear sub. I can stay at home so long as my food source is available.
I don't have any anxiety when I'm on the street in uniform or teaching in front of academy students. Other than the obvious things. I think of it as folks call us when they are in trouble or need us so I expose myself to alot of social negatives by profession.
When I went overseas, I would supress my feelings of panic but I think that would be normal in a war zone. It's normal to be scared.
I have been wounded more than once in combat related duties. My PTSD was diagnosed back in the early '90's and have been managable for a number of years. It has reoccurred recently.
I do carry a firearm most of the time when I'm out (on duty/off duty)for safety reasons but I don't feel the need to hurt anyone or myself.
I detest using force on anyone that forces me too.
I don't necessarily trust folks upon contact. It's due to training and I'm suspicious of them. I've met a good share of liars in my life.
I have been this way (agoraphobic) since I came home from Afghanistan last year.
I have a very small cadre' of real friends.I'm starting to think it's not agoraphobia but rather a social anxiety caused by environmental stressors and due to that; maybe I'm just not a people person anymore...meaning, I'm a grumpy old man and would like to stay home.

Thoughts...comments? Anyone?