View Full Version : Depressed, obsessional and scared of going mad

18-03-09, 22:43

I am a 29 yo guy and I have been using the forums on and off for about a year now but this last month has been really hard for me, so I thought I would share it to seek some reassurance (as usual) and see if anyone can relate...

I have been taking citalopram for about 7 years now and I am a recovered agoraphobic. O go through stages of worrying about my health, last year I psent a couple of months having tests related to my liver because I had slightly elevated liver enzymes and I was convinced I had cancer... I am sure if you are a but of a hypochondriac you can relate.

I always have residual symptoms (unnecessary worrying about work, relationships, panic attacks now and then, hypochondria, intrusive thoughts (ocd related), and other general anxiety symptoms)

About 4 weeks ago my office was really busy and I heard some whispering (there were plenty of people around talking and the whispering obviously was caused by one of them) and since then I started to worry about 'what if... 'i am actually starting to hear voices and going schizophrenic.

Although I sometimes wonder, I do not think I have actually heard any voices (although a couple of times in my life I think heard my name being called and heard noises/chatter as drifting into and/or out of sleep) but I have read that that is perfectly normal. But i do find myself reading about schizophrenia and its symptoms, reading online blogs of psychotic people, analysing and checking every single noise i hear when i am anxious and wondering if it maybe was in my head and not real (although to date, they all seem to have logical explanations) this seems to happen more often when there are lost of people around. If i am in bed and its all silent, I never hear anything (because obviously nothing is there!)

Anyway, I am driving myself insane checking, worrying, analysing everything and coming to conclusions. Imagining I will have to go into a mental hospital, lose my job, lose my partner, lose my friends and losing all contact with reality, this terrifies me. I am sure many of you know how it feels.

I have seen my GP who told me that he did not think that I was going schizophrenic because people who have that disease do not tend to have insight to their condition and also because my symptoms are consistent with an anxiety and obsessional problem.

I have been referred to see a consultant, however, as he feels that I need some proper assessment and a consultant might want to change my medication and also offer me some CBT.

Anyone going through this or has gone through this in the past? God I need somebody to tell me I am not losing it and I need to believe it!


19-03-09, 00:20
is there anyone about? can anybody relate at all? I dont want to seem an attention seeker but i would really love some input if anyone can spare a couple of minutes!!!


19-03-09, 00:42
Hi Ricard, :)

I just wanted to let you know that I would get the same symptoms that you describe. I would also have gone through times that I would have had a total fear of 'losing my mind' & 'losing all contact with reality'. I think that all the 'What if...' thinking and analysing is all down to anxiety & panic. Every time I get these terrible thoughts I keep reminding myself of that. I have also found it very helpful to read of other peoples experiences on here.

I hope it helps to know that you're not alone in how you're feeling.

Best wishes :)

19-03-09, 10:42
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support on here, the chatroom is very good as well , take care xx

19-03-09, 16:21
Thank you for your responses!

I have found out that I have an appointment with a Psychiatrist on the 2nd April. That should help me out!


19-03-09, 16:35
I have many of the same symptoms to but I think mines due to training plus my own anxieties. Thanks for opening up and know that you are not alone.