View Full Version : Tickle in my throat that feels like it is coming from my chest..right side..and can't

18-03-09, 22:52
What is this? I have asthma and I have a tickle now in my throat that feels like it is coming form my right side of the chest if that makes sense..I can't break it and I'm freaking now cos I got takin into hospital on Wed with an anxiety and asthma attack and they xrayed me and it looked fine but now I'm freaking they missed something.

I'm gettin exhausted!!!!!!!!!!!!!:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

23-04-09, 13:07
How did you right sided tickle go WeeMee? I have had this right sided tickle for around 6 months now, since the flu jab, and it is driving me crazy!! x

23-04-09, 17:41
Sounds like an itch! I have had internal itches before and they drive me mad! I don't know what causes them. But I'm still here, so it can't be owt serious :)

23-04-09, 20:37
Hey hey!

Yeah it subsided ali..I get it every now and then but when I'm stressed I get weird awful thoughts to accompany it.

I have asthma and it gets worse when I have missed myinhaler for a few days.

I think it's a nervous thing but when I had it quite bad,I got given steroid tabs for inflammation in my lungs.

So I'm confused lol.

I drank warm water and then ate ice cream cos the two contrasts soothed it and also go my hot water bottle and put it on my chest and the heat helped.

Hope it goes away,it really is a b***h.

Adam: I get this thing and it's only in the middle of the night and it's the roof of my mouth and my throat and right ear goes itchy and I need to do this mad croaky noise to get rid of it..is that an internal itch!?

Cos it's a bit hard to sctratch!

23-04-09, 21:11
Wee - you really shouldn't miss your inhaler for a few days if you get asthma attacks.

Do you take the steroid one - the brown one - every day?

23-04-09, 21:26
Hi Nicola.I have a purple seretide 250 acuhaler and a blue ventolin puffer inhaler.

I usually take them. Morning and night..well the seretide one.When I do that,I almost never ever have to use the blue reliever one.

But when I haven't taken it if I have ran out or forgot or things,then I get a little bit of this tickly thing. If it doesn't go away I have to get steroids cos my chest gets inflamed,but the doc told me that it could be stress bringing the tickle aswell.


24-04-09, 13:16
Thank you so much WeeMee and Adam, you know what it's like, wehn you have somthing which is chronic your mind works over time! I have wondered if I perhaps have mild asthma but the Dr said my peak flow was fine. I saw mthe therapist this morning and she said that we are going to work on working out what has caused my anxiety to get so bad, and then the symptoms should also be relieved! Sounds like a plan I suppose...but just so frsutrated with the feelings anxiety give you!! x