View Full Version : My MATES STAG NIGHT

01-08-05, 21:27
Told him today I wasnt feeling well enough to go, it would be a night out and a big pub crawl, the way I am feeling at present there is no way I could deal with it, I think he understands , I am going to his wedding , but if he or others dont understand then tough, thats the way it is.

I hate stag nights, I am a straight guy but I hate the way we fellas end up behaving

02-08-05, 10:30
Hi Frankie

As you are not up to a stag night,why not suggest you have a get together just the two of you ( perhaps a meal or just a drink) before the wedding.

Barb xxx

02-08-05, 13:48
Thats exactly what we are thinking, cheers!!

02-08-05, 13:49
That sounds like a great idea and then you still have spent sometime with him before he gets married.

Hope you have a good time.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".