View Full Version : Scared

Spades Clover
18-03-09, 23:02
Hey , my name is Alexis
I am new to this site and i find it to be a life saver ok so here is my story
I recently (feb 24) was in class and had strong pressure in both my ears and felt hot and dizzy all over and tingly sensations started from my left half of my face to the left part of my leg when i got home my mom took me to the doctors and they diagnosed me as having vertigo i have been dizzy evry now and then and now i thought i was getting better but yesterday( March 16 ) I had the same exact syptoms over again during my final clas... i got my very first CT Scan yesterday and im scared of what will come up IM only 17 and i am so scared that i may have a tumor or that i have something wrong with my central nervous system i am putting such a strane on my own life thinking about this > My mother is getting frustrated, ( we recently lost my father to a sudden stroke that was so severe it ruptured his cerebellem it was very quick but we miss him ) and when i get scared to the point where i am throwing up and shaking I make her to the point where she is up at night crying and stressing over if my syptoms are real or fake. I have a boyfreind who is amazing and he is with me every step of the way but i can see it hurts him so much to see me cry cry cry and cry i would really like to know if anyone elese has these syptoms and have been diagnosed with vertigo and are also struggling with it and what their diagnose was if their syptoms were similar to mine
-feeling like suroundings are rocking back and fourth
- numbness or tinglyness when laying down
- numbness in jaw, legs,
- pressure in ears ( both or one)
-tingliy feeling in mouth
-vomiting ( unable to keep food down)
- Now these syptoms are not always occuring the only one that is always occuring is the dizzyness please help if you know anything about this

18-03-09, 23:10
Don't dispair. Don't cry. Don't give in to that temptation for it only get worse if you start. We all worry about death, we all think about our mortality. You are not alone. Even me. We all have to do the best we can though don't we?

19-03-09, 10:36
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support here that helps a lot, the chatroom is also very good , take care xx

19-03-09, 11:55
Hi Alexis, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I am so sorry to hear of the death of your father.

Due to panic & anxiety I would have feelings of 'disorientation' & numbness & tingling in arms & legs. I would also have a feeing of 'dizziness' that seems to be there most of the time.

Best wishes :bighug1:

19-03-09, 18:09
Welcome to the site, your symptoms are absolutely typical of anxiety. It's no wonder given the way you lost your father that you are worrying yourself over how you feel.
Look at the tabs on the left of the site and read what others have to say about how they feel, in particular do a search on here for the symptoms you are most concerned about and see them coming up again and again for people who suffer from anxiety.
I hope the scan reassures you that you are well and that you can begin to relax again. If you feel like reading any more after going through the site then lots of people get support from books by Claire Weekes. Amazon sells them.
Best wishes and try to do as much stuff you enjoy as possible, I find watching comedy really helps :)
Best wishes

Spades Clover
19-03-09, 19:01
Thank you each and every one of you you guys are truly life savers

19-03-09, 20:13
hello spades
I have very similar symptoms too which started about 6 months ago. I am having an mri scan tommorrow so will let u know how that goes and let us know how you get on.
I'm hoping once the results are back I can try to deal with this. People keep telling me to relax which I keep saying is easier said then done. I am also going for CBT shortly so hoepfully this will help me deal with all this. Have ua sked your doc about CBT? Maybe will help to talk to someone neutral espcially after what u have been through.

Take care xxx

22-03-09, 23:51
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx