View Full Version : Pin prick red spots under skin

19-03-09, 01:38
Hi, I'm terrified of these red, pin prick like spots all over me. It looks like someone took a red pen and put dots on me. They are NOT raised bumps, they are under the surface of the skin. Scared out of my mind because I have had some abnormal blood counts and am seeing a hematologist for further blood work. Doc was reassuring but I'm scared beyond belief. Anyone know what these marks might be. They are very small, can really only be seen when examining myself closely. Thank you.

19-03-09, 01:41
Hi, their fine i have them, if i look on my arm now i can count at least 5, i am pretty sure i have more. Never bothered me at all, and i am pretty sure its nothing to worry about.

19-03-09, 01:58
Thanks for reply however I have a ton of them, not just 5 or 6. They are like freckle size scattered over my arms, legs, stomach. Little pin prick sizes, flat spots.

19-03-09, 02:02
Oh hun, try not to torture yourself, if i wanted to spend the time and count every red spot i had over my body i would have tons!
Have you spoken to your doctor?

19-03-09, 02:04
Also if you are really worried, which sounds like you are, get them checked out at least then you will know what they are.

I hope you are ok and feel better soon. hugs xxxx

19-03-09, 02:18
Did you show doc because I thought they were a symptom of leukemia. He wasn't as concerned as me! Terrified right now, can't even take care of my 3 little boys. So scared I have cancer.

19-03-09, 03:05
Hi Shelly

Sorry your feeling so anxious. I have gazillions of these little red spots all over my body, they have been there for years:weep:

Try not to worry (easier said than done, I know). It's so hard not to be afraid of things when you're extremeley anxious.

We are here for you. But honestly Shelly I have thousands of these little red spots especially on my legs, I don't know what they are but as I have had them a very long time, I can assure you they are nothing to worry about.

I saw your post about low white blood cell count, I'm not sure what this is, so I didn't answer, but maybe it's anemia (sp), have you been very tired lately? Doctors regularly order a FBC (CBC in US) if you say you are unusually tired.

I hope I've been of some help Shelly. Play some games, try & take your mind off of it. It usually works for me. Try 'Rufus Recall', you'll have problems worrying about ureself if you play that game, lol.

Take care.

19-03-09, 03:38
Hi, really, you have tons of these? They're what I described? Almost like freckles, only red, small, scattered around arm, leg, stomach, etc.? I feel a little better now. Please tell me what the "Rufus Recall" is.

19-03-09, 04:26
Shelly stop stressing please. :hugs:

I have loads of the little, freckle like, red spots you've described.

Nothing to worry about at all.

19-03-09, 05:08
Yes Shelly, little red dots, especially at the top of my legs, so small you can hardly see them until you do, then you find loads more, correct? Please don't worry, they are nothing.

Rufus recall is a game on here. Have you ever played any of the games here, they are very addictive lol & can take your mind off things.


19-03-09, 09:41
Hi, i watched these come up all over my chest last week...in a matter of minutes!! i freaked out and saw a doctor about them as they didnt fade under a glass and i was unwell....mine where about 3mm at the most i'd say.:blush:

After being checked over mine were deemed a medical mystery, as my blood counts where fine....but i still got to have more done. They can be caused by various anaemias, especially pernicious anaemia which is due to B12 deficiency. They appear because tiny blood vessels under the skin bleed, this can even happen through mechanical stress to the skin.

P.S. Please dont google this, as usual doctor google will diagnose a load of odd conditions which only occur in 1 in a million people!

19-03-09, 10:17

If you have had a low white blood cell count, the red spots could be purprea and like the post before they are where the blood vessals leak tiny amounts of blood under the skin. As you are seeing the heamatologist they will look in to this. The rash can occur after a viral infection.
I know this as I had it when I was about 6 or 7 and I am now 41 so do not worry to much about it. You may find they take another blood test to see if the white cells have recovered.
I still get the rash from time to time especially if I have been carrying a heavy bag on my shoulder the next day it will be covered in what I call blood spots.

Try not to worry I know it is hard.
Morchie x

19-03-09, 12:05

If your anything like me, there is no good answer when your worried like this because every peice of information leads to another unecessesary worry!

I have lots of these red spots and I have showed them to the dr before and he said not to worry about them, pressure on the skin can cause them. Hormones can cause your skin to be more leaky, also Im quite sure that a low white cell count is not what happens with lukeamemia think that makes it super high. Dr told me that that kind of thing was always very obvious from blood counts and dont think they would just give a referral to hemotologist if they saw those signs, think low count more common with being run down and stressed or having had flus and stuff and low on vitamins.

Please remember that just because you are super worried doesnt mean that something bad is actually happening your thoughts are only thoughts and your thinking with an anxious tainted mind!

Lisa x

19-03-09, 12:20
I have red spots that come up on my body (my legs especially) I had lots of investigation years ago on them and I was diagnosed with pigmented purprea. No none cause or cure but TOTALLY harmless, they have come and gone over the last 15 years and I have noticed that when I'm stressed or hot they come up more. Hope that helps, but speak to your doc if you're worried xx

19-03-09, 15:44
I have 100's of them, some are pin prick dots, some a bit bigger, some have joined up together and form a blob! Doc said they are nevises and lil' burst capillaries. I have them all over my arms and tummy and some on my back, harmless, promise!

19-03-09, 15:44
Ps Am anaemic too, not sure if linked!

20-03-09, 08:31
I get these alot, sometimes pin prick sometimes bit bigger and purple, they dont fade when blanched but in a day or so they go but then more appear. Im very tired recently aswell but im sure im not anaemic but gona see gp next week anyway.

I get them on my thighs and tops of arms usually, could itching be causing them? Ive very dry legs do iften scratch away at night, lol!

I had a full blood count done november which was fine??

20-03-09, 10:48

If you had a full blood count then anything serious that would cause those blood spots would show in that, because they check your platelets levels and its that being low that causes the red spots if there is a problem as far as I know. So it sounds like the scratching is the problem. My friend has them too, infact I was so worried about these before that I checked thearms of everyone I know and they all had them. Do you drink alcohol a lot?

Lisa x

21-03-09, 10:07
Hi lisa,

So do u think scratching my thighs could cause the marks? I only ever get the slightly bigger purple dots on my thighs in the areas i itch??

I have 3 come up tday on my leg, i was scratchy last nite voz my skin got hot with my laptop on my lap.

I had the fbc test done 4 mths ago which was normal, just my fertitin is on low side.

Are yours ever purple? The slightly larger ones on my legs usually are. Ive always worried about them, been gettin them for a year or so now.

23-03-09, 10:05
Hi lisa,

So do u think scratching my thighs could cause the marks? I only ever get the slightly bigger purple dots on my thighs in the areas i itch??

I have 3 come up tday on my leg, i was scratchy last nite voz my skin got hot with my laptop on my lap.

I had the fbc test done 4 mths ago which was normal, just my fertitin is on low side.

Are yours ever purple? The slightly larger ones on my legs usually are. Ive always worried about them, been gettin them for a year or so now.

Hi Aimee

They arent really purple but I have noticed that they come up if something puts pressure on my skin. Like I had them at the weekend because I carried my babies car seat over my arm. If you had a full blood count done four months ago and it has been happening for over a year then it sounds like its nothing serious? I think anyway thats what Im hoping too. I read some of your other posts , are you having trouble with tingling still? I am getting it really bad in my hands and its making me worry an awfull lot. I went to the dr again again he told me it was anxiety but Im soooooooo worried that he isnt paying enough attention to what im saying because of the anxiety.

Is feratin the same as Iron? do you get heavy periods?

Miss Lancelot
26-04-09, 21:25
Hi ya, i have this too... I seem to get them when there has been pressure on my skin... like loads and loads of tiny pin prick bruises I suppose. Only started about two weeks ago... NHS Direct just tells me I have meningitis! Which presumably I don't as I have none of the other symptoms and would have been a goner by now ;-)

12-08-09, 22:45
If they're tiny red spots that appear gradually over time (months, years) then it's probably Campbell de Morgan spots. Perfectly harmless.


04-08-11, 07:06
I just wanted to add my experience for anyone browsing this later- I totally understand your anxiety; it's hard not to be alarmed when this appears!

Mine appeared overnight on my legs and feet, more came on the next day. I had them checked out at the doc's. She told me it's tiny bleeding under the skin and nothing to worry about; it might be caused by many things, including unusual exercise or heat.

She said if you're heavily covered in them or they are getting worse, worth checking in with the doc just in case it's a sign of an infection. Otherwise, nothing to worry about and will probably be gone by the end of the week. :) Nothing sinister!

04-08-11, 07:39
I have lots of these all over my body. They look just as you describe, like red felt pen dots. I have had them for at least 20 years. You are fine.

10-01-12, 01:07
Hi there. On reading the replies it seems like everyone has quite a lot of these. I have what it seems like people are describing, although there is just one spot on my forearm where there is a grouping of about 9 of them, I think. They are so small that I can't even get a good count. There are a couple more single ones on my upper arm too. I've had these in the exact same spot for as long as I can remember, and I am 23 years old now. I'm just wondering if this sounds like it falls under the same category as the explanations that have already been posted, because it sounds the same except I don't have lots of them.