View Full Version : Do i stay...or do i just go now :(

19-03-09, 08:21
Me again....Need to vent becuase i feel so frustrated.
I put a grievance in against a work collegaue for bullying/harrassment and was wholeheartedly backed by my ops and team manager as they werent happy with this person as she had caused quite a few problems in the short time she had worked in our office. Anyway to cut a long story short while the grievance investigation was being done she went on the sick also with a hip problem so wasnt brought in to answer the grievance against her. She came back to work 3 weeks ago and resigned the same day? Management said she wasnt informed of the grievance against her...so they said. So i asked to be redeployed to another office as i dont feel able to go back to my old office as i feel to uncomfortable. I went into work on monday for my regular 'care and concern' meeting to discuss redeployment and theyve given me 3 months from mondays date to find another post ..if not then i will be dismissed!!!
Ive not even been signed off the sick by my gp yet so i how can they expect me to look for another post now because im not ready to go back. Hr said that if im given a trial period in a job then the dr can sign me off to work the trial period ??. If i was well enough to work id be back at work now.
I dont know what to do its making me feel ill im so worried. Its so unfair ive done nothing wrong, ive never caused any trouble myself and now i feel im being im being pushed out.
Sorry again for going on but i feel theyve used me for there own ends and now dont know what to do for the best, i want to go back but i feel unwelcome now to. I contacted the community leagal advice centre etc and they cant take on any more cases. Local employment law specialists/solicitos want a minimum of £150 - £185 an hour...i dont have that kind of money. The cab just wont answer there phones and are only open a few days a week so i will try go to see them instead. Has anyone else had the same problem or anyone got any advice.

19-03-09, 08:33
Les hun,

go to the CAB, you're on the sick, they can't do this.
my mum is an expert in this field, i'll speak to her later and get back to you.

di xx

19-03-09, 08:39
Thats so kind of you diane thanks i appreciate it.
I always believed they couldnt do this to you while you were signed off sick either..but they seem to think they can. Yoy would think the nhs would be a bit more caring wouldnt you.... Its putting more pressure on me that i dont need right now. Im going to pop to see if the cab office is open today and see if they can help at all
Thanks again diane