View Full Version : can anyone tell me if this was a pannic attack please(whole body tingles)

19-03-09, 08:26
i have had panic attacks since i was 8 years old im depressed and on cipralex the antidepressant since i have come off the drink ( 5 weeks binge) i have been sober now for 1 month 2 weeks 4 days. and when i get a pannic attack they seem to be worse than ever. i was driving my taxi the other day and a drunk collapsed in my car ,,i had to get the police then take him to hospital ,,wich triggered off this horrible feeling ..it started off like i felt really anxious then light headed then i felt that i could not breath then felt disorientated ,,i got worse ,,then along came this sensation wich really scared me my whole body started to tingle like a mild electric shock feeling then i felt really hot and sweaty ..i thought i was going to die .. i took my vallium(diazapam 2mg) then calmed down ,,but the feeling tired me out all day ,,im scared to go to work incase i get that again ,,,thanks if anyone can help .....

20-03-09, 08:03
come on people help me out im sick of posting on here and noone replying ,,whats the point of this forum

20-03-09, 08:38
I had the same episode last night and I believe it is anxiety/panic attatck as my whole body was shaking but mine happened in the night and woke me up. Its real scary but it does go. Its all part of the anxiety and panic attatck.

Hope this helps, I am quite new to this website.

You need to talk to someone about it, that makes me feel better.

Hope you feel better soon.

Sharon :)

20-03-09, 10:09
Hi Butch

Exactly the same happened to me when my anxiety was acute, all I wanted to do after was sleep, it's really scary I know but it will have been due to the build up of adrenaline in your body.
Hope this helps

Elaine x

20-03-09, 11:36
thanks people i really do aprieciate

20-03-09, 11:54
Its panic- lack of oxygen i believe from hyperventilation xx

20-03-09, 20:51
I had it last nt terrible nt everything in one.

20-03-09, 23:09

Yes, everything you describe is anxiety/panic related.