View Full Version : Pins and needles

19-03-09, 10:48
Does anyone think that diazepam could cause pins and needles in hands? Really panicking that it something really bad. Only seemed to have started in the last week or so I thought maybe it was caused by diazepam coz started it around about then but now worried that it was there before and I just hadnt noticed it. Its really weird like little electric shocks to tiny spots on my hands every now and again, Really pannicking that its my circulation or worse that my hiv tests are wrong and thats whats causing it.

19-03-09, 11:11

Just read the pamphlet and it doesn't mention that, but I was VERY stressed last week and had pins and needles in my hands. I know it's horrible, try stretching and clenching your fingers.

Pegs XX

19-03-09, 11:23
Thanks Pegs

I am doing this now as we speak and it is helping. Have made yet another dr appointment for later today and am going to mention it . Such a weird sensation, Im sure it wasnt there before but with my HA i seem to intensify things when I think about it so maybe it was, nightmare!