View Full Version : Scared!!!!!

19-03-09, 13:40
Hi,not to good at the moment:weep: My irratable bowel is playing up.I have been really constipated and bloated.My main concern is the trapped wind,it is so painfull until it passes.My gp put me on Mebeverine an its helped a bit.I have been getting indigestion and pain in my left rib cage through to my back.:ohmy:

I know its probably not serious as I have had the problem on and off for years,but all this publicity about cancer is just making me worry more & more anxious.

I know the stress makes things 100% worse but its playing on my mind!!!!:weep:

Iv started cutting certain food's out agian.I would love to see the nutritionist who helped a few years back,but it was private and I just dont have the pennies now:weep:

O well friends just wanted a rant,sorry.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

19-03-09, 13:44
Trapped wind is SO painful, i feel for you...BUT....you do know its only wind, try and stop those negative thoughts in their tracks.


19-03-09, 13:54
Hi there, sorry your feeling so crap, ibs must be horrid . I think cutting out certain foods is a good idea as when my acid reflux was bad this did help. I too think all this about cancer at the moment is not good it just fuels our anxiety even more, my mind is in overdrive and am living in fear just now just feeling panicky, but at least we can talk to others how we are feeling, sorry i can't be more of a help and i really do hope you start to feel better real soon, its just so sad that we have to pay for those people that can really help us sometimes and it's not always possible xx

19-03-09, 14:07
:hugs: hi yorkylover - im also suffering with this right now - my anx symptoms used to be mainly in my head - now they are in my body!!!:lac:

and like you i am hearing things on tv and worrying - my stomach is sooooo bloated, i look 5 months pregnant:blush: and last week-ish they were talking about ovarian cancer on this morning - well its taken me all my strength not to rush to the doctors:wacko: but i know its stress really, ive been feeling a bit low for a few weeks due to rubbish nights sleep and i think its jsut coming out like this - hope you feel more comfortable and less worked up soon - im gonna go and do a meditation session as im really at my wits end with it - i need to calm down:blush:

19-03-09, 14:55
I could have written this.

: O accept that I said in a previous post that I look 4 months pregnant!

I was at doctors today cos I am worried about this and told her that my vagina through to my back passage feel swollen and I can't pooh on my own and she said to me it is cos my body is all out of balance due to being on antibiotics.

I have been giving laxatives and some lactulose solution and had that for a week or just over and I have been testing without the stuff and the result is bloating,pains,and misery.

The bloating doesn't go away though after I have poohed with aid. And it's not even pooh,it's like yellow mucous.

But I'm fine and she keeps saying it's anxiety. I think stress does make our bodies do weird things. Which then worries me more!

19-03-09, 15:03
:lac: that really doesnt sound very nice:ohmy: mine's no where near that bad! but i suppose if youve had antibiotics you can have problems - i know loads of ppl with bowel probs - mine seems to mainly be bloating, wind and pain but no real probs with poops:blush:

19-03-09, 15:44
Ya it's not good and my back is real sore too.

I think stress really plays more havoc than we know on our bodies. When our heads are away with it though,we can't think straight. It's a horrible cycle! xxx

19-03-09, 17:22
Thanks everyone,Im not alone in how I feel,its not just me then.:wacko:

I to have been thinking alot about the cancer,as Jade started with tummy pains:ohmy: there has been so much of it on tv and any magazine has articals and newspapers:shrug:

I also think,how do we know if its anxiety or something else,Iv told myself its anxiety,but what if its not!!!!!!I dont want to go to the doc's and look a complete fool.Im sure you know what I mean,off to work now so will catch up laters friends.Thank you again.xxxxxxxxx:hugs:

19-03-09, 17:29
:) yes i think this too - always have - but the only hting is when something has been up with me its been noticeable - you know they know what symptoms to look for - then on the other hand they miss it for loads of ppl and they get really sick and die:ohmy: personally i think its best to go and get your mind put at rest, and at least ask what symptoms to look for before you worry properly maybe? i dont know but ive always had this concern too, but luckliy ive never been seriously ill:)

19-03-09, 18:06
hi ellen
sending you hugs. i hope you feel better soon. how are your fur babies doing
love debera:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

19-03-09, 23:33
Thanks everyone xxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:
Im going to give it over the weekend,if things dont settle then Ill see my gp.Dont really want to go through all that again,had loads of tests done about 10 years ago!!!!:weep:

20-03-09, 12:27
Do you get terrible sounds coming from your tummy?grumbling sounds???:ohmy:

20-03-09, 12:35
Yes I do. They're funnny to me...sometimes if I'm laying in bed with my cousin, since we have sleepovers a lot, she can hear them and I can hear her's. It's no big deal.

20-03-09, 23:14
Im so fed up with it all now,its getting me down so much.Do you get mucus in your stools(Im being posh):blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

24-03-09, 23:39
Have this ache under my left rib tonight,comes and goes.:weep: Iv had my propranalol reduced,Im sure this is making me more anxious than normal!!!!:ohmy:

25-03-09, 09:37
:) hi ellen, yes lowering the beta blocker may make you feel more anxious - but im not entirely sure?

the pains under you ribs - i get that alot - but again i think its coz we are very very tense - even without realising it - the muscles under there get tense too -and then they ache - i worry about this alot - and i dont like the way it feels - but it is anxiety - you are getting yourself more and more worked up about your tummy etc and this is what creates the tension that you dont realise is there, try to do formal relaxation every day and see if you feel any better:yesyes:

25-03-09, 09:41
Hi darlin.. I haven't being diagnosed with IBS but you know my score with all this bloating and stuff I have. I recently had a bad bout of diaorreah and it was yellow pulp and it looked like there was yellow pieces of tissue floating in it. It was so painful.My tum and stuff was groaning away whilst passing.

But I think you can pass mucuousy stuff normally anyways.

Gimme a pm if you want a chat,I'll always listen xx

25-03-09, 14:25
Thanks everyone,what would I do without you.I have felt more anxious since lowering the propranalol.Looks like I may have to up the dosage again.:weep:

18-04-09, 23:54
I haven't seen the doctor yet,but asked over the phone to have my propranalol put back up and they have done that for me.

I have also been put back on fybogel,which is helping with the bowels.

Today has been an awful day with anxiety,I feel like Im going backward's at the moment and its making me ill.

Im still worried about all this with Jade goody!!!!!! and to top that the doctor couldn't give me a smear last year because she said I have a tilted cervix :weep: She said she could send me to the hospital,but thats out for me.She also said I needed to be on one of those chairs where the legs come right up so they can tilt you back wards,well the nurses have these in there rooms so why didn't she suggest that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shrug: it would have been easier for the smear!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

Im sure Im getting pains that are not really there,or are there cos of the anxiety,keep needing a wee to cos of the nerves.:wacko:

Sorry for the rant, just feeling scared at the mo!!!!!!!!:hugs:

20-04-09, 13:22
La la la la la.Am I all alone here!!!!!!!:whistles: :whistles: :whistles: :whistles:

20-04-09, 13:39
Hi Yorkie

I have had pains under my ribs on and off for about 3 weeks. Sometimes, it is real sort of pinching pain and other times, it is not there at all. When I think about it, it is there all the time! It feels like wind that is trapped. According to my doctor, the top two corners of your large intestine which go just under your ribs on both sides are prime areas for trapped wind! I must admit, I have been belching a lot!! (Grim!!). As I went back to my doctor on several accasions because I was worrying about it, she is sending me for blood tests and an abdo scan. She assured me that this is to put my mind at rest but I still worry!!

Hope you are feeling better xx

20-04-09, 17:04
Thank you Jo.Im sure it is wind that I have got and you to.But like you I worry,and worry makes it worse.The fybogel she has put me on makes me windy:blush: so Im fighting a losing battle.Like you I have had tests,but had them many years ago.They were ok.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

20-04-09, 17:28
well thank god someone out there also feels how i do
ive been feeling like this for about 3 weeks and cannot get it out of my mind. i get all the same symptoms, particularly the left rib cage. the rumbles confuse me and make me think theyre my heart which is frightening. the worst part about it is i find that when i lay down i get a feeling of everything moving actoss my stomach and it makes me breathless. like someones sat on my stomach/chest...like you im sure its just trapped wind, but i watched a jade goody documentary and i too noticed her saying it all started with her stomach...however im sure the symptoms would be much worse like severe cramps and fainting like her. for me the feelings are just weird. i've tried every off the shelf remedy, wind-eze, andrews salts etc. nothing seems to help.

21-04-09, 10:30
Hugs you - next time you are at the Dr's ask about your smear and ask if there is anyway they can organise it in the clinic. There are also non-hospital places that do smears like family planning places... they might be a little less scary to visit - have a look what's in your area and phone and chat to them to see if they can help.

You've had a lot on recently and your body is reacting to it in the way it loves! Give it time and try to relax ( using any relaxation tapes?) and it will gradually pull itself together again xxxxxxxxx

21-04-09, 13:14
Thank you Lucy and Sam.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: