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19-03-09, 15:37
as I'm new :D
I'm Michelle, 29, from Scotland
I've been having panic attacks off and on for a few years now :(
Mine started with feeling nauseous and with having a phobia about throwing up....well now any sick feeling makes me panic.
I also have IBS and can have weeks of constant nausea, so weeks of constant panic.
I did have about a year where I felt I had this beaten (well enough that my day to day life was not affected, still has put me off of flying due to the 'what if' factor), I had some therapy and knowing the mechanics of it helped a lot, along with getting a new job, and getting back into a hobby I had left years before. :)
Just recently tho, since leaving my job due to them cutting my hours, the nausea is back, along with the panics.
Also my heart sometimes slows down a lot or goes very fast (been checked and had an ECG and I'm fine) but I end up panicking especially when I'm on my own.
I use the bus a lot and I go out to where my horse is kept and have to get the bus on a country lane with no other people around (right next to a graveyard ). This is another thing that is setting me off :( I do tend to worry about death and dying too much :(
So what are people's coping strategies?
I have to have a bottle of juice with me, I find little sips help to ease me. It's like my comfort blanket and I never leave home without 1.
Thanks for reading :)

19-03-09, 16:32
Hi, i also suffer panic attacks. I started getting them about 5 years ago. they lasted for about 6 months and then passed. led a relatively normal life until just before xmas when they came back with avengence ... have not been at work since still signed off sick. find driving hard and my daughter also has a pony which i have to do twice a day. i think if it wasnt for the fact that the pony cant muck out his own stable and feed himself i probably wouldnt go out. my confort blanket is a bottle of water and my mobile phone. I also worry about death and with all the constant new about jade goody it makes me anx as i really feel for her and her family. I dont have the answer im hoping time will be the healer. :)

19-03-09, 19:35
Hi there and :welcome: to the site a lot of good advice and support on here, it helps a lot, the chatroom is very good as well, take care xx

19-03-09, 19:39
Thanks for the welcome :D
I'm the same Mozzy, the horse can't care for herself so I just get on with it :)
Same with everything else really.....it is very tiring tho :(

20-03-09, 07:02
keep at it I know everything is tiring. My daughter has a show this weekend and im dreading it as i dont even like going out the house. But I will try it for my daughter I just have to say to myself if I feel bad I can leave and come home whenever i want to. I also panic when im on my own but as long as I have my comfort bits with me im okay... must have mobile phone and must have a bottle of water. Are you on any meds? I was but have stopped taking them as they made me depressed. :yesyes:

20-03-09, 07:09
hi Michelle,

welcome to the site, loads of information and support on here, chat is brilliant for help dont know where i wld have been with out the guys on there somedays, but it does get better and it can be controlled and in some cases beaten.

20-03-09, 08:53
Hi and welcome :)


20-03-09, 09:58
keep at it I know everything is tiring. My daughter has a show this weekend and im dreading it as i dont even like going out the house. But I will try it for my daughter I just have to say to myself if I feel bad I can leave and come home whenever i want to. I also panic when im on my own but as long as I have my comfort bits with me im okay... must have mobile phone and must have a bottle of water. Are you on any meds? I was but have stopped taking them as they made me depressed. :yesyes:

just on meds for my stomach probs, but they aren't really helping with the bloating and sick feeling.
Also was given anti sickness/nausea tablets, my last prescription did me 18 months (only get 14 tablets) this recent prescription lasted about 2 months.
I'm back to the doctors next week, and hopefully will be starting working again also, which I know will really help. :)
Good luck for your daughter and her show. Hopefully you'll have a lovely time too. :)

22-03-09, 23:39
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

Mr Parfect
06-11-09, 06:48
Welcome to NMP.

06-11-09, 09:51
Hiya : )

It seems like it's at the times when you aren't busy that this gets worse. The little juice drink is your diversion.. something else to think about. In theory I could say fill your days, evenings with activiities and you will probably be fine but of course we all need to relax sometimes. The fact you can see a pattern shows its all anxiety and hopefully knowing that and knowing these anxiety symptoms can't hurt you will help you try to ignore these symptoms. Lucky you having a horse by the way!! Enjoy it!!

Mand x