View Full Version : question about stool.

19-03-09, 15:55
So. I went to the GI doctor yesterday, and he's 98.9% postive that I have IBS; but he's making me go get a colonoscopy (sp?) just to be so sure.
Keep in mind I am only 18 years old. This should not be happening to me.

But, I finally did go today.
Normal IBS type stools.. Chunky, hard to pass.
But when I wiped I thought I saw some red specs.

I'm on my period
And i had red potatoes, cranberry juice, and left over cornbeef last night for dinner.

If I had what the professionals would call a "Bloody" stool that isn't normal.. would these be the conditions for it?

19-03-09, 20:31
So. I went to the GI doctor yesterday, and he's 98.9% postive that I have IBS; but he's making me go get a colonoscopy (sp?) just to be so sure.
Keep in mind I am only 18 years old. This should not be happening to me.

But, I finally did go today.
Normal IBS type stools.. Chunky, hard to pass.
But when I wiped I thought I saw some red specs.

I'm on my period
And i had red potatoes, cranberry juice, and left over cornbeef last night for dinner.

If I had what the professionals would call a "Bloody" stool that isn't normal.. would these be the conditions for it?

A few weeks ago I had orange stools this went on for a week it was only then that it struck me that it must have been caused by the tomato soup I was having every day for lunch:doh:

19-03-09, 23:29
The blood was likely from a small tear if the stool was hard to pass